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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Once Upon a Time People Wanted to be a Part of the Kingdom

Division is actually one sided.  The biblically originated phrase, "a house divided cannot stand," comes from one resource, and one resource alone, addressing the nature of selfishness.  If Christians are the "bad guys" because they don't like young men, then tear the book of Jeremiah, Timothy, Titus and other areas where young men under age ?? are addressed and used in the bible, for biblical purposes, not political ones.  Moses, was used to address many different things as an old man.  Apparently, those who do not like old men are unaware that the bible says that the Jews wept a long time for old man Moses at the end of Deuteronomy.  Old men are history time capsules that recall the errors of the past and hold a patient sort of love for those who are wise in family matters.  This is the purpose of the book of Deuteronomy.  Political people apparently are supposed to believe it is good to hate old people, in some people’s method of concluding good guys vs. bad guys???  People who assume that it is ok to continue aborting children, a lawless act by the way, do not deserve proper justice and mercy??  When will the real Christians speak up, wise up and rise up.  Enough is enough.  No matter the age differences, congenital conditions, and racial condition, participation in the kingdom is necessary for a "fundie".  Fundie things are brought about by the Jews, which can and do participate in fundamentalist causes, like super-man bad-guy Ray Comfort, and their HOLY BOOK, apparently??

Where do we even get the idea of justice and mercy in the first place.  Oh, the rich man and the poor man were both used in the bible to address this issue.  Perhaps they are DNA related to rich man or poor man with cousins of Levant heritage.  That unborn child in the womb (a common theme to divide red vs. blue) is an offspring that has a 2% likely hood of having cousins or conditions that look like Ben Shapiro with a patriarchy flare.  Queen Esther of the bible grew up with and so readily addressed a cousin, not an uncle by the way.  Ray Comfort's 180' movie offers gentle explanation behind those principles.  From what I understand, a racist family cannot stand, because it doesn't favor God's laws and ways in a John 3:16 sort of way.  Time will tell when people see the kingdom for what it TRUTHFULLY is: Love God, Love thy Neighbor as thyself (KJV was most widely used in the time of founding this nation), as he could be your, immediate family, distant relative, your neighboring community or your friend's distant relative.

It is very apparent that when we live in a country, community or area where we cannot speak on behalf of our own family, neighboring community as it is, and address spiritual issues at hand (***** addressed this before in this newspaper), we are in trouble morally and spiritually.  Divided kingdoms don't stand a chance unless they have a change of heart.  Rev 2:14 (KJV) addressed both sexual impurity and racism in one shot, but only the wise would consider it.  Spiritual and moral depravement leads to far worse consequences, broken homes, broken hearts, broken communities with racism staring back at us in the face.

Which kingdom do we want?  A political moray that is temporary, or an eternal kingdom where our family and community is supported for what it truly is both DNA heritage conditions and moral family of support?


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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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