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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why don't "smart women" get married as frequently?

There is evidence that "Smart women" have a tendency to get married at lower frequency.  The definition of woman being "smart": being a woman with capability to grasp concepts surrounding "mathematics" "musical pieces" or other conditions beyond the general population (ie. statistically rare conditions).  Some smart women are simply -cultural- and know their place in weaving a better basket for the next generation (it is just simply not evaluated by a testing procedure).   They may have a higher tendency to avoid or miss the opportunity to raise their own children.  This is particularly true for women with a Phd. or higher.  Now understand this, a woman with a PhD. is NOT MORE intellectually gifted, even by comparison to family members within 2nd cousin range, in general, than an average college student (like a woman who went to get a nursing license or dropped out of college and started a small business).  Rather, the women with a PhD. or higher is simply capable of PAYING FOR or MOVING UP the ladder in the "books" department at the "library."  Biblically speaking, Lot's wife "looked back" and Lot had children with his daughters.....instead of with his wife......(which Christ overcame the issues surrounding Sodom and Gomorrah)....

I don't really know the "exact" answer.  As far as education is concerned, there are patterns in the education process.  Absorbing this and that information.  For each person on this planet, they go through the process of "learning differently".....some children do not recognize the good or evil "teachings" that they receive (like those in abusive, latch-key or oppressive environments).  Some recognize those conditions and move forward with life in a better way.  This is particularly true for those who are educated between the ages of 8-14 (the vital age to understand and solidify reading, writing and math skills for REAL LIFE survival).

Some essentially say that a "smart woman" is intimidating, in some way or another.  Sometimes a "smart man" may also be intimidating.  Not that it is bad to be "smart" but that there may be a feeling of -PRIDE- that comes out of such hearts bent on intellectual superiority.  When the truth is that no "intellectual capacity" exists except that a HEART is beating with in the heart of a man (literally and metaphorically).

Here is a video...... (note......I know some women who are smart in the IQ rating department.....who have difficulty conceiving children...hence they need to adopt.......but in reality......it may be the ELIMINATION of fear......as I ALSO know smart women -Harvard quality- who have 10+ children....!!)

So hence the reality is this.......

to some people "smarts"......looks like

when the smart woman feels like she can constantly play this:

while letting the "little stuff go"......

(Little People......Little Men......Little existence of Godly men)

When all that is TRULY need to love a spouse and bear HEALTHY children...... is..... (this is my home on a good day by the way)

when a WISE women knows she only truly needs to play with and around this:

a man of GOD will recognize the "love" that is needed........ the intellectual gifts are good (and necessary in difficult to solve conditions for humanity) WHEN they are applied to REALITY.

(Big God ...... Big People....... Big MEN of GOD)........ = Marriage/Children/Family --  community conditions

As far as "following God's will" is concerned...... yes, a woman who is simply "messing around" is doing that and God knows that (I'm not that stupid) about how God is "all knowing."  Also, if a woman is in an oppressive environment (many terrorists or creeps around) she simply SHOULDN'T get married in those situations, but truly stick with GOD'S plan for her life (share gospel with whom ever she can in the right way for safety sake).....


Note: I, as a general rule, have "above average" intellectual strengths.  However, I KNOW God himself actually CALLED me to STAY in my state of being married to my husband, thanks to knowing biblical things, and knowing how to properly listen to "God's voice" in a proper sense of looking for "God signs." (Dreams and in physical presence of people who know my spouse and I).  If a church doesn't believe in "God signs"......you may want to double check the moral structure of that church (law approving vs. lawless via Hebrews 11)

Just a "traditional song"...... traditions come and go......and alter with time.  But GOD'S VOICE is the SAME message.  JOY.....HEART....HEAVEN/NATURE SING!  (a person doesn't "need" a church building....but a person does need GODLY people via brotherly/sisterly love)


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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