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Friday, August 3, 2018

Study of the Islamic religion? How should Christians study it?

There seems to be two ways that people study this religion.  After all 1/5 up to 1/4 of the human populations on this planet follow this religion.  Smart people even cater to this religion because they have friends, who know friends who know friends who follow this religion.  Of course, friends want to protect the rights of life for friends.

1. They put a big stamp of approval on it.

2. They put a big red-flag on it.

Note: The Muslim religion is a -religion- it is NOT a race or nationality.  However, the religion CAN, HAS and DOES effect the population and heritage conditions.

I say consider 1 and 2 and also the Note.

Why consider 1. when there is a lot of terrorism problems within the religion?  Because there are elements of Christian conditions and thinking within the religion.  (I'm not talking about elements of justice, righteousness and woman's rights.....but other things.....neutral elements that do not harm outsiders or insiders)  A free thinking people looks at the "big picture" and really shows the human condition for what it is from many different cultural angles.  The culture of the middle-east is just that.  A culture.

From a realistic perspective it is BETTER to continually study the bible and read elements of suffering and Christian persecution (and other minority groups too) from Muslim countries than to constantly cater to neutral elements in a sense.

Things that could be studied:
1. Marriages that Muhammad had.  Muhammad married an older woman and had a monogomous marriage for a while.  That marriage was "neutral" in a sense.  His marriage to a young undeveloped girl was a big red-flag in Christian thinking.......but yet, in various cultures even indigenous cultures did practice age-gap marriage after development.  Polygyny?  Yes, there are various ways and means that men practiced these things through the centuries.  Even Christian men have practiced polygyny!  Solomon among others played a big part in the bible.  Is western thinking better?  Divorce and Remarriage seems to be the western practice in a certain sense.  Cousin marriages.  That has been in Christian groups too.

2. The negative sin-driven behaviors of Muhammed, like his antisemitism (towards Jews), his war mongering behavior, his what ever else is -bad.-  That way a person KNOWS what is wrong with the conditions of the founder of this faith.  Try various resources like www.islam-watch.com, acts 17 apologetics, and so forth.

3. The family life of people who have lived under the religion for many years.  Surprisingly there is a strong bond among people in the culture.  In some areas, the people are kinder and gentler than areas of west where much sexual impurity and political turmoil brews.

4. How Christians live among the Muslims.  Sure there are areas where things are not as extreme and people live among the Muslims.  Some areas are more peaceful than western culture! Some areas are simply not peaceful. Try Live Dead.

5. The life of people who came out of ..... Arab culture and perhaps moved to USA or other things.  Maybe they are still living in the Muslim religion or maybe they are living a more secular life.  Knowing REAL people helps overcome prejudices.

6. Interact online with others from regions with Muslim religion, without harassment, but basic friendly conversation.  You do NOT have to embrace or cater to a particular religion to interact online with someone.

There is more.....really.  The list of things to consider.  YES, there are violent extremists out there......for obvious reasons, be careful folks.

But in the face of consideration of cultures outside of the USA......one needs to understand things from various angles.


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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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