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Sunday, August 5, 2018

IMPORTANT "White People" history events all people need to know.....

Why am I saying the "white people" history and not other nationality history?

Answer: Because I am writing to you in a "latin language" and many "white people" have spoken in "latin languages" for a long time.  What causes "white supremacy"?  Perhaps simply the belief in superiority of language structure itself!

1. Ancient Events: Pick up a Holy Bible.  Right from the beginning, "white people" have used and consulted a bible even in the times of Plato and Aristotle.  The PSALMS and PROVERBS are essential elements in understanding the conditions of ancient "white people" history, which led up-to the Roman Empire.  If a person simply DOESN'T have a lot of time to dig through all the calendar specifics, the roman empire problems, the ancient cult worship principles, if they KNOW the PSALMS and PROVERBS and other parts and pieces from the bible they will do well.  (Note: I do not consider ancient Egypt to be "white people" history but more "middle eastern" history, though there was influence of Egyptian life among other people groups)

2.  Early Christian persecutions.  Yes, there were actually "mixed race" people in the Roman Empire, it wasn't all white washed (the ethiopian Eunuch is a good example).  Include various studies on rulers at the times like Nero.  Once again, if a person simply DOESN'T have a lot of time to dig through all of the specifics of the early Christian persecutions, simply read through the book of Revelations. Essentially the "whore" is dressed with fancy jewelry, and the "Bride of Christ" is dressed with the sun, moon and stars or natural -God-given- elements.  One could even go into details of events that led to "early Christians" around the middle east or Caucasian regions towards the middle-east as well up to about 400 A.D.

3. Pre-Reformation events and Reformation events: Know who were the Waldenses?  Foxes book of Martyrs? What did Martin Luther do?  Who was Calvin?  How were the Anabaptists treated? From these groups of "white people" which people had racism problems especially against the Jewish people?  (in the reformation era is where antisemitism starts to show its ugly colors....the pegan junk reveals itself....counterfeit Christianity brews)  Try a quick and basic summary from www.truthforfree.com.  Once again if a person simply doesn't have a lot of time to study those events, ensure that bible study is taking place.  Why do "non-white-people" need to know about things like anabaptist persecution?  So that they can identify FALSE CHRISTIAN conditions among themselves and in white people.

4. Enslavement.  New World.  US and territorial history.  Civil war.  Learn about who was white enough to own slaves.  Who was enslaved at the time?  Who was pushed around and forced off their land as territory was expanding?  Who was forced into schools that they didn't need to attend?  Who tried to manipulate the education to enslave children to commit acts of sin and violence?  Somehow people didn't read the bible in a way that shows people their OWN sin and seemed to manipulate it to APPEAR as if the "Savages" and "parents" had the sin issues.

5. WW1 and WW2 on into the COLD WAR history.  This is where things get complex but yet the solution to these problems has been there the whole time in the HOLY BIBLE.  Unfortunately groups of white people interpreted the bible in a way that has antisemitic elements and racism tendencies in their study of scripture.  Instead of seeing JESUS as the JEWISH man on the cross, somehow they make it look as if SAUL, who changed to PAUL simply wasn't JEWISH after his conversion to CHRIST, but he remained so.   We as humanity are STILL dealing with the after shock of the events in WW2.  Survivors, their children, their grandchildren and great-grand-children are currently alive right now.  As we speak.  The wars and rumors of wars never cease to end.  In the grand scheme of things the reason behind these wars is simple.  PRIDE.  Read through the PSALMS and PROVERBS and one will find the essential ingredients to produce such conditions of PRIDE.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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