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Friday, July 20, 2018

When Jewish people become "extremists" or "terrorists"???

Ok.  So can Jewish people behave exactly like the behavior of "Hitler"?  or commit acts of terrorism?

The answer is simple.  Some people don't know they have Jewish heritage.  Other people know they have Jewish heritage, but they do not know how to be a "good Jew."

-Columbine shooting

-Extreme homophobia

-Terrorists who grew up among a muslim type of religious system and didn't know or partially knew they had Jewish heritage.

-Terrorists who grew up in extreme socialist/communist system who forbid "religious freedom" or "free speech"

-Slavery, especially towards bringing slaves to America (many Jewish people have lighter tone skin tones).

-Racial mis-interpretation, such as misunderstanding of indigenous cultures and people groups.  Jewish people have a tendency to understand the "Greeks and Romans" a little better than the "indigenous people" of America from time to time.


-self-hatred by suicide

-Christian mockery or dislike if they are not following the "New Testament" as part of their faith.  Messianic believers overcame those tendencies by his power.  Born again believers can come from any sort of Christian faith group.  (Note: some Christians who call themselves -born again- have mocked Jewish people too or had no respect for them, which makes me very sad, as this does not help them understand things.)

I do NOT consider "self-defense" to be a type of "extremism" or "terrorism."

I DO believe that Jews who suffered in the Holocaust suffered just as much as any other minority group that was not white, as there were "race based" false understandings in those days.

I DO believe that the conditions of "good vs. bad" among the general Jewish population is about equivalent to any other nationality and heritage, with perhaps a little misunderstanding of certain elements of "human nature" or "animal nature" from time to time.  However, there could be significantly higher amounts of these tendencies if the ideologies or faith beliefs practiced by the particular person are in an environment that would produce such extremes.  Remember: Judas was wicked, the crowd that persecuted him was lost, Jesus did NOT hang around or become friends with EVERY SINGLE Jewish person in Israel at the time of his life on earth, but he DID love his disciples and certain individuals among the Jews and asks people to do the same.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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