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Friday, June 22, 2018

Should you "go to church"?

The answer is simple.

The bible tells believers (in the bible) to not forsake the gathering together.

However, there ARE problematic churches groups around.  Often they cater to corruptions of this world or selfish living.

Any person that is alive today, WILL need someone else for support at some point.

So two or more people need to be together for a "legitimate" gathering.

Essentially problematic congregations or church groups may do any of the following (eliminating the conditions that remain), overlooking the real issues at hand:

1. Domestic violence and/or sexual impurity issues

2. Poverty, credit or major debt issues (believers are not to charge each other on interest)

3. Local needs for food and clothing. (think about teaching classes for these things too)

4. Local needs for shelter (dependent upon a family's ability to live in multiple generation households or not)

5. Addiction and bondage issues.  Mental health issues.

6. Local needs for health services (especially for those with permanent or temporary disability)

7. Local support for raising young children safely.

8. Educational needs to assist with knowing how to read the bible.(sometimes local public resources may produce indoctrination content or obscene content)

9. Local needs for clean water, healthy air, and cleanly environments. (prevent congenital defects and issues for those with disability)

10.  Local needs for people to find freedom from violence (city environments may have higher tendency for gang violence, media culture, terrorism/religious cult & extremist areas)

11. Need for adults and children to "know God's laws" or have "vision" for the future.  (persecution histories can make faith difficult.  People in concentration camps were treated in "lawless" ways.)

These are among the things that some church groups over look.  These things are important because they help the home and family life to THRIVE.  It also helps to ensure that the "outcast" are not "eliminated" but are given the attention and love that JESUS wants them to receive.

So should Christians "go to church"?  The answer is basically this, are you obligated to HELP people in any of the ways listed?  Then YES, you need to go to church.......there ARE local needs that need to be met in order to THRIVE.  A GOOD church does NOT cater to give only to the "pastor" or "elder" or other spiritual leader.  The good church also will not just cater to "special groups" of people.  Instead, it seeks to help those who are truly in need, not only spiritually (truth, wisdom, friendship, companionship, support etc) but physically as well.

Essentially, there are people who "stay home" to watch a sports game, video game or other self driven pursuits, but CHRISTIANS should WANT to get-to-gather with other believers......avoiding the practice of "selfish living."


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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