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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Are Lori Alexandar and Debi Pearl godly teachers or false teachers?

They are both people who support a "conservative interpretation" of the bible.

They are both interested in supporting women as being "submissive" to men.

They are both interested in making sure marriage and family stays in tact no matter what.  (I wouldn't ALWAYS recommend this, particularly if the men are unbelievers -let the unbelievers depart- or extremely abusive)

They both know that the culture war exists, and it takes A LOT of heart work to keep the worldly influences out of the Christian home.

However, they don't seem to speak heavily on ensuring that they are interpreting the bible correctly.

They don't seem to be resourceful to the "new Christians" or the "needy people."

They don't seem to be sure of the "accuracy" of their information and resources, especially when it comes to the origins of needy family among us.

They don't seem to have a wince of concern about minority conditions or persecutions of humanity outside or even within certain circles.  I never hear them say a word about persecuted Christians in Africa or elsewhere.

They don't seem to care about the "single Christians" and their value.

They don't seem to care about the "disabled Christians" and their value.

So, I put it like this.  They draw out of the water and know where to find the resource, but they leave the well dry for those who still need it.

So can you put 100% of your eggs into their resource and information for "conservative styles" of biblical teaching and information?  NO.  And I simply wouldn't recommend anyone do that.

Basically, you may use the resource and information that they are presenting, but beware!  You may feel as if your well is running DRY.....simply because they ignore key elements of the bible (like the FACT that JESUS was middle eastern, he was not just ANY man).....

Now is their resource entirely FALSE.  NO.  I have seen and heard many more law-less far-left Christians far-and-wide and they present a true FALSE TEACHING.  They are also proponents of making Christianity "more" than what it was intended to be.  Playing along the fiddle of giving to the "poor" when the money is only going to the pastor so he can remodel his bathroom.  Even worse, promoting that nasty idea that somehow "sexuality" allows you to receive a special "prize for achievement" and importance above the fellow man.

Anyhow, going back to the original resource to help humanity "feel loved"........remember that LOVE covers a multitude of sin.....so even the BEST and BRIGHTEST conservatives will have their errors in the cake recipe.

Judgments may appear "good" but they fruit is NOT the best results, and for some deadly results.  A concept to consider is that humanity NEEDS freedom to "think independently"..... for example:


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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