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Thursday, March 15, 2018

When is it "islamophobia," and when is it being "cautionary"?

Read the article: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2017/02/02/ben-shapiro-crushes-clock-boy-in-court-n2280520

Now ANYONE from the "Levant" could have an "Islamophobia" charge and/or accusation of causing "distress" on the rest of humanity.

Perhaps because family members can have a tendency to look like this guy:

Now this guy would look like Jesus....but if Jesus does BAD things.....its starts to make people wonder whom they can trust in the middle of the storm called......life?

Even many Native Americans have trouble "trusting" certain Christian groups (though they have attacked churches or faith groups in the past), because they do not want to be associated with certain behaviours (one could call it the Abrahamic religion phobic): rapes, incest, pedophillia, molestations by priests, certain calendar structures and time-lines etc etc.

So I have a list of when a person is right about potential threats and when they are wrong and pointing fingers at people who are simply from the "levant" or surrounding areas and know the difference between right and wrong.

Note, in the article given above "clock boy" looks VERY VERY brown.  There are JEWISH people who are also VERY VERY brown.

There ARE very smart partly brown people, from other areas of the middle east, who would "not" get the caution thing thrown at them, simply because of their family "history" or "social" conditions.  They have just as equal capability of building "bombs" or being "lazy" when it comes to actually taking care of humanity properly.  People who were never influenced by "islamic things" have had capability of doing evil things too.  For example: a Norwegian guy broke up with his wife, he got in an airplane and flew around......he committed an act of suicide terror on the place where some people worked, perhaps his wife worked there.  Furthermore, Jesus himself said there would be MANY FALSE PROPHETS (including those who talk about JESUS a lot).

Essentially, what happens is a person is negligent of their own "moral condition" before the creator on BOTH sides of the fence.

Here are some things where it is WRONG to call someone "Islamophobic."
-when a person shares gospel with those who practice "Islam."  Or sings hymns.  Or shares what they believe with them in a gentle and practical way.
-promoting brotherly and sisterly love among them or others
-being internet friends (the internet doesn't bite you or create "sex traffickers,"  it is ONLY when a person is using the internet in an evil way that these things happen.....it is neutral like driving a car).  A person does NOT need to agree with things that internet friends tell you or post.
-Wearing a headscarf.  Women who are not "islamic" can wear a headscarf if she believes in it for religious purposes (Christianity was actually an influence in the reason behind the headscarf for muslims anyhow).
-Not eating certain foods (like pork).   Not eating anything "offered to Idols" or Halal meats.
-Fasting off and on
-Wearing a beard
-being more religious than the general population (like not attending big patriotic things)
-Practicing "polygyny" or other things that are not practiced among common Christian couples.  There have been Christians who practice "polygyny."
-speaking about the evils (or having cautionary behaviors) of any of the following, and associating it with people who are practicing the "muslim religion": -rape gangs, -incest, -FGM, -pedophillia, -terrorism, -child marriage, -anger and domestic violence issues, -extreme religious dogma (whippings, malnutrition from fasting, child mutilations, long travels for no reason etc)
-wanting to check a person's "character" before immigration.  Even hospitals and other institutions have to send "violent" patients to different places to get care.
-addressing general character issues that the majority of humanity deals with (pride, mockery, scorning, anger, disrespect etc)
-addressing anti-semetism (particularly dislike of Jewish people and/or Israel)
-listening/talking to a family member talk/listen about his or her middle eastern family member and how they were treated
-Addressing the fact that Muhammed was not sinless but Jesus was sinless.  Addressing the fact that JESUS was born of a Virgin and lived among the Jewish people.  Then died and rose again.
-Addressing the facts that some people, in the religion group, want "infidels" dead......(they have been brainwashed in some ways)
-Talking about issues where people of minority or people who left the religious system suffered persecutions or even death.
-Addressing historical wars where the majority of the offenders were those who practiced a certain religious value (like the muslim religion value, in some cases there have been Christians who were not true to the bible...).

It is wrong to call someone "Islamophobic" for any of these types of things.


This is where it IS islamophobic and direct insult to people who are "middle eastern" or associated with folks who perhaps come from the LEVANT

-avoiding interaction/contact with someone because they have "brown skin," longer nose or levant/middle eastern appearance
-making fun of people who fast, pray, avoid certain foods (basic neutral religious practices)
-belittling a close relationship between a "white person"(or other nationality) and a "middle eastern person"
-making fun of a man having multiple wives (yes, white people attack other minority tribes and ended up murdering the wives)
-making fun of larger family size
-not having or treating someone normally because of middle eastern sounding name
-making fun of women who "stay home"
-making fun of women who "dress modest" or "wear headscarf"
-belittling someone who follows a lunar type of calendar.
-avoiding interaction/contact with someone because they are friends with someone who has "brown skin," longer nose or levant/middle eastern appearance
-making fun of a middle eastern man who chose to try a different religion and even became a leader in that group......like a Christian church.....or finding his Jewish roots and becoming Jewish.
-saying #metoo or he's a rapist for having a family history (before they were born) or former association (many years ago) with people who attacked his or her family, assuming this person comes from middle east, when he is clearly NOT doing those things and has no desire to commit those acts.
-Attacking someone who looks like they practice a middle east religion (even having very long beard).

Anyhow, look at it like this:

A person who "steals" and practices a religion is not doing something right in the eyes of the creator.  It does not mean that EVERYONE in that faith or from that nationality does those things, it is that, the individual is having some "moral issues"

Here is a pretty nice article: https://www.christianpost.com/news/nabeel-qureshis-wife-shares-3-things-husband-wouldve-said-to-christians-from-muslim-backgrounds-221388/

This guy seems to understand that all things "political" and "non factual" do not resolve issues in humanity.  Note: Sweeds and Norwegians have a history of not getting along.......but only way to fix that is through redemption. (has some foul words, but reveals that white-guilt over logic does HARM to humanity):


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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