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Thursday, January 11, 2018

The three groups of "red-flag" of people

In Jesus' day there were people that Jesus (Yeshua) said to beware.  They could have been politically active or maybe they were not.  What ever the case happens to be, they just simply DIDN'T have love for God or Humanity in their heart to the fullest.  Every little "wrong phrase" bothered them  in some way.  Every time the wind blew south instead of north, they were upset.  When ever someone wore a longer nose on their face than another, they were "jealous"......what ever the case happened to be.  They were not "in love" with the redeemer.

Here were the three "red flag" groups that may appear like these types of folks in today's world:

Sadducee's:  Hollywood far-leftists.  Activists who "whine" for more than their basic necessity in life (clean air, water, food, shelter, clothing, privacy etc). No moral control (Dating and disposal of family life).  Disrespect for "religious" and "spiritual" beliefs.  Think highly of abortions and eliminating the "unnecessary" elderly or disabled.  Senseless and not willing to see if a person has "dangerous" intentions.  In the book of Daniel they would be the "iron" or structure of the govt' promotion as more superior than the reality that people are more than just "numbers."  Aka. a white person, though mainly white could have minority ancestry...so feeling in the heart is different than skin tone.  ***Saducees never amounted to anything significant or impacting in people's lives because they "joined up" with the immoral conditions of Rome.  If they did practice religion it was only for show and outward appearance.***

Pharisees: Megachurches.  Common denominations.  Traditions.  Slightly fearful.  Not willing to listen to dissenting or differing opinion and truths.  Trusts in "men."  (Some things that Jesus said would appear to be pharisee types of things.....like protect the innocent children from evil men, don't live a sexual impurity life etc).  Some pharisee groups of today are "non-resistant"...right hand slaps...then allow left cheek....but they don't KNOW the entire scripture (what is Puriim again?) or have senses fully aware of truth.  Some pharisee groups are racist or merciless groups and they don't admit it or understand that they are that way.  ***Some Pharisees did become godly after they repented......like Saul changed over to Paul***

Essenes:  (These were the Dead Sea Scroll.....off-the-grid...separatists of the day)....   Fearful, completely off-the-grid, persecuted members, clingy to the scripture to the point of accusing godly people who actually help the weak, disabled, good Samaritans and other basic things in life.  (Jesus allowed people to "flee persecution" and encouraged people to be prepared for this in the end-times)  The biggest issue is "fearful" behavior which ignores true cases of abuse and neglect.  Some people are disabled to the point where they would not be able to "leave" institutional systems, or they don't have enough "brain power" to understand certain things in living unhindered life.  Some Christians do end up as "essenes" when they have no other option.....or are socially outcast (become homeless).  Jesus did allow a little essenes behavior...but needed two or more to consider it legit for faith.  Missionaries are often put in Essenes conditions.  ***The Essenes were simply a hidden group, no one really "knows" about them except through study.  Some out-cast behavior is -psychological- problems....like the man dwelling in cave because he was full of demons.....salvation is necessary even in wilderness***

Information for this article comes from some of the ideas from Jesus Didn't Have Blue Eyes....  

What types of things do these people do in their behavior: check out psalms and proverbs for sure.... otherwise they may do other things like "gossip" "mock" "scorn" "unfriend or block" "prideful behavior" "keep up with the Jones'" "live lazy life" "tell lies" "violence by force" "deceitful infidelity problems" and so forth.....

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