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Monday, January 22, 2018

Should you get the "ancestry" DNA test?

Well, you are flipping through internet sites and see events unfolding.  You see someone who looks like "you" or your children, siblings or your cousins and think......hmmmm, do I have the same heritage as them?

For example, flipping through this website of a common "American Family"


You KNOW some of your heritage and perhaps you know your relatives heritage.........

But then you wonder if something isn't quite matching up with what people were telling you about your heritage.

Should you pay the 100$ + to find out your genetic "code" if you will?

I don't know.

It may not be necessary.  Endless genealogy can get long winded.  I know some history of my family-tree.  But my husband has some "holes" due to coming from a single-parent household.  I do know somethings however......and I know his ancestry was not all "roman-empire."

Furthermore, we are not really to trust in "our" genetic heritage as a way of salvation or a pathway to "TRUTH."  JESUS had his genetic heritage.  It is listed in the NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL account.

Many of the "ancestry" tests would stop at about 200 years into the account of your "genetic history"  that would be about 15 generations into your history to determine if you have even 1% of a certain heritage.

Due to biblical conditions of seeing the -Jewish people- moving from Israel and pushed Eastward towards India, then world-war's occurring (like WW1 and WW2), people might start to see that not every one is "white" like the people of the "Roman Empire."  Indigenous people of the roman-empire consisted of people of many different skin-tones and facial features.

So I say, if you WANT to get the "genetic test" then go ahead, but in reality we only really need to study who JESUS was, is and will be.  Unfortunately in severe persecution people have used such "genetic tests" against a people group, like in Nazi Germany.  So in this sense, I hesitate to even try, and just put life into his hands.

Furthermore, living in the "old paths" give peace to the soul, more than keeping up with the "Jones'" and their lifestyle or ways of life.

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