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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Christian Library -- For churches, ministries etc.

What better way to keep people occupied with good things than to help them understand that good literature is available for their curiosity.  God gave us imaginations.  God doesn't like 'wicked' imaginations.   Imagine transforming a liberalized community over to a bible reading community that LOVE and WORSHIP Jesus.... from the heart with wisdom and truth.   Not with vain babblings, but with sincere effort to secure eternity.   These books should SUPPORT and encourage bible study and meditation as well as godly clean holy living.

The aspects of provision for a Christian library can transform churches and lives.

Topics to include in a specific church library:

-Music - Hymn or classical nature.  Easy for the 'poor' to sing from a kitchen sink....
-Nature (Astronomy, Plants, Animals, Rocks, Water, Land etc..)

- Health (Natural, Midwifery (pro-life issues), Mental, Bondage, Heart, Kidneys, Bladder etc)
-Prophesy (end-times issues, survival skills, Lord's Return (avoid the date setting... just events to take place)

-Character (stories, overcome 'anger/bitter' 'scorn'.... more kindness etch)

-Math (1-12 quick fact reference (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division is plenty and associate with nature.... three leaves on clover 2 wings on bird... four chamber heart )

-Marriage and family issues... include how to do positive Christian homemaking...

-Amplified Bible Stories

-Self-sustainable living -nature living -frugal crafts

-Health based recipes books (classical traditional, vegetarian(daniel), frugal, wild foods, native American, Hebrew diet......)

-Helping disabled, disadvantaged etch. (nick vujicic, etc)

-Devotional /Bible Studies

-History.... focus on bible reading persecution events... or issues about non-resistance in Christian life...


-Similar Denomination stories.... Anabaptist, messianic, Hebrew roots, seventh day Adventist....)

-Hebrew culture

-Cultures (middle east, Africa, Asia americas etc)

-Classic Christian

-Educational assistance and teaching methods

-Early readers.... up to 8th grade level...

-Childress selection to keep children occupied

-Skills.... auto mechanic, technology, home repair....(text books to introduce)

One can use various resources to accumulate these books.  Many people have books in their home that they do not read..... but need to allow someone else to read.  Possible resources https://www.clp.org/. http://lamplighter.net/c/


Note: Your church should include aspects of books or notes in the front of certain books for which your values to not necessarily apply, but the book will encourage godly aspects, biblical beliefs, and more godly lives in some way....

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Songs of Love and Hope