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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Square foot gardening table.

Squarefoot-Gardening Table for sale

*Do you live in a small space?
*Do you have no interest in tilling the soil but have interest in gardening?
*Are you renting a home and cannot disturb the soil around your home?
*Would you need a short table for children's activity?
*Would you like a special table to hold a hen-house?

Other ideas for a four feet by four feet table: play house stand, sand box,
garbage can holder, small pet holder, outdoor craft table, a small deck,
small cabin floor (four tables makes a good small cabin floor), small green house
.......the possibilities are endless

4 feet by 4 feet size,  stands on four eighteen inch 4*4's

Lumber will be lightly coated with a protectant paint.

Made with plywood, lumber and basic nails

Cost for basic four feet by four feet table: *55.00$ per table ordered.  If offer a 10.00$ deposit one table cost's $50.00

Cost for additional height or features (table will be 4 ft. by 4 ft.): *65.00$ per table ordered or 10% for additional cost of lumber which ever is greatest.
If offer a 10.00$ or 20% deposit for orders over $65.00, you recieve back 5.00$ from purchase.

Individuals may order up to four tables per order.

Support local manufacturing folk.  Manufacutring location is in Calmar, IA

contact by e-mail or phone.

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