The common website(s) that reports on "spiritual abuse" but is often found "silent" on severe issues......recently found issues with Ravi Zacharias.....
The issue was similar to what Jesus did.....he hung out with to speak.
This particular website NEVER seems to find problems with various "Jezabels".....false-accusation feministas who have nothing better to do than find a way to make some money in the courts.....and even mock the reality that they can get away with "stuff."
The other issue this website is having, is that he was engaged in "speaking" at various colleges and other places, but had not actually spoken or had never verified that he was certified in certain respects.
Mr. Ravi Zacharias ministry seems to be doing a better job at reporting extreme cases of extremist abuse.....unlike the website who engages in finding any error in "men" under the sun.
With all of the False Accusation going around and actual TRUE cases being becomes harder to see through the murky water.
I never really took the time to "pay attention" to what "degrees" or "certificates" Mr. Zacharias actually attained. Nor would I look into it.........too deeply. He speaks well.....enough to sound highly educated to me.....
To me, I don't see that education has a whole lot to do with true faith in Jesus as all the degrees in the world cannot even compare to the magnitude of the ability to fulfill so many prophecy.
If this particular website is WORRIED about what "hall" Mr. Zacharias actually spoke in while he was in Cambridge, MA (the hall on the campus.....or the hall with the homeless guy who never heard gospel before) then the website needs to find some better things to do.
What website is creating this stir.......? The common ones I find constantly mocking the reality that squirrels really do adopt other neglected baby squirrels.
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Thursday, November 30, 2017
False Flag on Ravi Zacharias??
Frugal tips......
1. Save the "wax bags" from your cereal boxes. Like the bags from the Cheerios box can be washed and rinsed. Instead of buying a lot of zip-tie bags and then throwing them away, use the wax bags instead over and over again. Sew them into special fabric for a more permanent bag as you would like.
2. Instead of buying a lot of "monthly friend" products, buy a large supply of washcloths or towels. Like 10-15 washcloths per package. Buy the white kind. Wash in bleach to get the chemicals out. When monthly time comes, take two washcloths folded together into thirds. On one side place a water-resistant item, like a sandwich bag cut to size. Wrap a small rubber band at each end of the washcloths. Use masking tape to wrap the rubber bands and edges as needed. Store away in a sandwich bag until needed. - When needed, make double sided loops with masking tape to keep the washcloth-pad in place. - When done, put soiled washcloths with water-resistant items, rubber band and tape removed, into a covered bucket or jar filled with bleach. -Rinse and dry washcloths. Then wash in hot water with regular or white colored clothes.
3. Use "wax bags" from tip number 1 for anything that requires long term storage, such as items for the freezer or dried items. In stead of using expensive vacuum sealer bags, use the "wax bags" like the vacuum sealer bags. Don't remove the bags from the sealer until it has dried or it will not seal correctly. Other wise the "wax bags" work great!
4.To save some money on winter lighting, consider going back in time. Buy some lanterns! Get the wick lit and enjoy a soothing light on cool winter evenings.
5. To save some money on canning and food storage practices before winter, consider using an open fire instead of an electric stove. If you have a wood stove, even better! The electric bill when canning can go up 100 or more dollars per saving up for a 500$ wood stove is a good idea!
6. To save food before winter by dehydration practices, create mesh bags with "toil" or similar netting fabric. Make the bags long. Then take zip lock bags. Cut the end off of the zip lock bags to leave behind the zipper portion. Sew a netted bag to the zip lock bag zipper. Wash the bags in regular hand dish washing cycle. When you would like to dry the food, place the food on plastic trays and dry the food in a hot car on a summer day.
7. To save money on coffee filters, make filters out of fabric that is toil-mesh. Cut a circle that is the same size as a coffee filter. Zig-Zag around the edges. Wash the cloth coffee filters in regular dish washing cycle. Use the filters as tea-bags too. Just tie a string around a bundle in the filter.
8. Learn how to wash clothes by hand. It will save you a ton of money per year (like 20 bucks per week....or 80 bucks per month for use at laundry mat). Also, it costs a lot to fix broken washer machines. Purchase of a wringer can save a lot of wringing hassle. The little extra time it takes to wash clothes by hand actually becomes a habit in time and less need to pay a gym for exercise.
9. Cancel the cable bill. Read more books from the local library and other sources. This should make sense for most people. Much of the "entertainment" found on TV can be found through other resources anyhow. It is more entertaining to go to a local show on a stage and read books to your children any how.
10. Get a phone plan that is low in cost. Think "trac phone" or other simple basic set-up where a person pays for their phone plan as it is needed and not by a contract.
2. Instead of buying a lot of "monthly friend" products, buy a large supply of washcloths or towels. Like 10-15 washcloths per package. Buy the white kind. Wash in bleach to get the chemicals out. When monthly time comes, take two washcloths folded together into thirds. On one side place a water-resistant item, like a sandwich bag cut to size. Wrap a small rubber band at each end of the washcloths. Use masking tape to wrap the rubber bands and edges as needed. Store away in a sandwich bag until needed. - When needed, make double sided loops with masking tape to keep the washcloth-pad in place. - When done, put soiled washcloths with water-resistant items, rubber band and tape removed, into a covered bucket or jar filled with bleach. -Rinse and dry washcloths. Then wash in hot water with regular or white colored clothes.
3. Use "wax bags" from tip number 1 for anything that requires long term storage, such as items for the freezer or dried items. In stead of using expensive vacuum sealer bags, use the "wax bags" like the vacuum sealer bags. Don't remove the bags from the sealer until it has dried or it will not seal correctly. Other wise the "wax bags" work great!
4.To save some money on winter lighting, consider going back in time. Buy some lanterns! Get the wick lit and enjoy a soothing light on cool winter evenings.
5. To save some money on canning and food storage practices before winter, consider using an open fire instead of an electric stove. If you have a wood stove, even better! The electric bill when canning can go up 100 or more dollars per saving up for a 500$ wood stove is a good idea!
6. To save food before winter by dehydration practices, create mesh bags with "toil" or similar netting fabric. Make the bags long. Then take zip lock bags. Cut the end off of the zip lock bags to leave behind the zipper portion. Sew a netted bag to the zip lock bag zipper. Wash the bags in regular hand dish washing cycle. When you would like to dry the food, place the food on plastic trays and dry the food in a hot car on a summer day.
7. To save money on coffee filters, make filters out of fabric that is toil-mesh. Cut a circle that is the same size as a coffee filter. Zig-Zag around the edges. Wash the cloth coffee filters in regular dish washing cycle. Use the filters as tea-bags too. Just tie a string around a bundle in the filter.
8. Learn how to wash clothes by hand. It will save you a ton of money per year (like 20 bucks per week....or 80 bucks per month for use at laundry mat). Also, it costs a lot to fix broken washer machines. Purchase of a wringer can save a lot of wringing hassle. The little extra time it takes to wash clothes by hand actually becomes a habit in time and less need to pay a gym for exercise.
9. Cancel the cable bill. Read more books from the local library and other sources. This should make sense for most people. Much of the "entertainment" found on TV can be found through other resources anyhow. It is more entertaining to go to a local show on a stage and read books to your children any how.
10. Get a phone plan that is low in cost. Think "trac phone" or other simple basic set-up where a person pays for their phone plan as it is needed and not by a contract.
Home accesories,
Lamps and lighting,
library and books,
Off-grid living,
personal care,
things frugal
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Location of FULL moon "shift" to begin Qumran Calendar: Axiel Precession
Sorry about the "grammar issues" in this article. The information is still useful and it does "work" with the actual patterns of astronomy.
Due to the Axiel precision, the location of the Moon in the sky while looking for its location among the constellations, CHANGES. This change occurs around 26,000 year cycles.
In other words, the bible wording for finding the Abib, needed to include the Barley Harvest.....which would occur during the Spring of the year in Israel. The "astronomical place" location for the full moon of the Abib, was a LITTLE bit different than it was during the time of Jesus (only about one moon station difference) versus during the time of MOSES. For example, in the time of Moses, the first full moon of the spring (after the Spring Equinox), could have been located around the constellation "Libra." In the time of Jesus when he would have walked the earth the Abib full moon would have been located around, or beneath the feet the constellation "Virgo" (Rev 12:1).
If one would like to determine where the moon is positioned among the constellations 26,000 years from now, one would need to understand the pattern of the axiel precision. The moon would not be found among the constellation Leo or any other constellation but will RETURN to the original location around the time of the spring equinox.
Test these things on Stellarium. The moon will rise around the same time each spring.
So how can this be adjusted to the Qumran Calendar?
Consider the 294 year Calendric Cycle. It has exactly 6 Jubilees (49 years).
294 years in a Calendric Cycle
26000/294 = 88.453 Calendric Cycle rotations per 26000 years.
88 Calendric Cycles and 3 Jubilee's SHOULD bring the Full moon back to the original position among the constellations. AD 31 the first full moon of the Abib is located: Below Virgo feet. AD 26050 on 4-2 -> (88*294+31+49*3 =26019 years) the first full moon of the Abib is located: Beneath the Virgo feet. Even more adequate and at the SAME location and the SAME time (vernal equinox) is on the year AD 26344 on 3-26.
Changes from AD 31 is that the Full moon rises in the EAST and is observable from the "ancient eyes" Horizon. The Full moon when it is below the Virgo feet is located in the it is AFTER it has actually risen for the evening for the year AD 26050. For the year 26344 the moon rises in the EAST.
Since the location among the constellation goes through an 88.5 (Calendric Cycles) rotation it is possible to start the "new year" for a Qumran Calendar (observable moon rising) cycle, by shifting the position of the moon one step forward or backwards among the constellations.
Test: AD 56363 the first full moon of the Abib is located.....(hmmmmm well Arcturus....moved into Virgo....In the year 72000 Spica and Arcturus stars appear to be the "same star" our constellations change appearance too! Further investigations in Stellarium reveal that "man" cannot calculate astronomy positions after the year 99,999...... Happy Astronomy! TRUST JESUS and stop trusting in old-man Adam.
I wouldn't "worry" about the astronomy matching anyhow beyond what we can see with our eyes, and these unusual "shifts" because the bible says that there were "giants in the earth" and the pattern of the heavens reflected his GLORY even while Noah was on the ark..... Furthermore, the age of the Patriarchs was much greater than it is today...and they didn't even live past 1000 years! so don't be too concerned about the 26,000 year issue. See below on how things change "mathematically" and can be adjusted to the Qumran Calendar anyhow, despite these issues.
Have a good day! into infinity and beyond!
Mathematically. The axial precision can be divided by 7! Yes, a multiple of seven. ..... well more like 7 and 1/3
7 and 1/3 fits into 26,000 years by 3545.5 years.
That is every span of 3535.5 years...... 12 Calendric Cycles of 294 years have passed!
So try test this the other direction (as it won't hit exactly 26,000 but it will get close to the mark
12 * 294 = 3528 (perhaps each constellation (12 choices) gets two full-moon start per Abib?? Once below the feet of Virgo and once at the waist of Virgo....)
3528* 7.333333 = 25,872 (pretty close).....
But there are a few years missing. Only 2 to 3 Jubilee cycles missing! So not too far off track!
Here is a sample of when and where to "spot" the ABIB full moon and where to FIND it in approximate Astronomical Position among the constellations (subject to "change" according to the Calendrical cycle and other factors). Notice how it returns back to the original "below virgo feet" after about 26,000 years!:
Before Christ:
31 (2109 years) --> fits into calendric signs and metonic cycles
23 year difference
-2078 (Abraham - Ishmael) Scorpio-Libra
-4187 (Garden of Eden) Ophiucus
-6296 (Before Time) Sagitaurus
Due to the Axiel precision, the location of the Moon in the sky while looking for its location among the constellations, CHANGES. This change occurs around 26,000 year cycles.
In other words, the bible wording for finding the Abib, needed to include the Barley Harvest.....which would occur during the Spring of the year in Israel. The "astronomical place" location for the full moon of the Abib, was a LITTLE bit different than it was during the time of Jesus (only about one moon station difference) versus during the time of MOSES. For example, in the time of Moses, the first full moon of the spring (after the Spring Equinox), could have been located around the constellation "Libra." In the time of Jesus when he would have walked the earth the Abib full moon would have been located around, or beneath the feet the constellation "Virgo" (Rev 12:1).
If one would like to determine where the moon is positioned among the constellations 26,000 years from now, one would need to understand the pattern of the axiel precision. The moon would not be found among the constellation Leo or any other constellation but will RETURN to the original location around the time of the spring equinox.
Test these things on Stellarium. The moon will rise around the same time each spring.
So how can this be adjusted to the Qumran Calendar?
Consider the 294 year Calendric Cycle. It has exactly 6 Jubilees (49 years).
294 years in a Calendric Cycle
26000/294 = 88.453 Calendric Cycle rotations per 26000 years.
88 Calendric Cycles and 3 Jubilee's SHOULD bring the Full moon back to the original position among the constellations. AD 31 the first full moon of the Abib is located: Below Virgo feet. AD 26050 on 4-2 -> (88*294+31+49*3 =26019 years) the first full moon of the Abib is located: Beneath the Virgo feet. Even more adequate and at the SAME location and the SAME time (vernal equinox) is on the year AD 26344 on 3-26.
Changes from AD 31 is that the Full moon rises in the EAST and is observable from the "ancient eyes" Horizon. The Full moon when it is below the Virgo feet is located in the it is AFTER it has actually risen for the evening for the year AD 26050. For the year 26344 the moon rises in the EAST.
Since the location among the constellation goes through an 88.5 (Calendric Cycles) rotation it is possible to start the "new year" for a Qumran Calendar (observable moon rising) cycle, by shifting the position of the moon one step forward or backwards among the constellations.
Test: AD 56363 the first full moon of the Abib is located.....(hmmmmm well Arcturus....moved into Virgo....In the year 72000 Spica and Arcturus stars appear to be the "same star" our constellations change appearance too! Further investigations in Stellarium reveal that "man" cannot calculate astronomy positions after the year 99,999...... Happy Astronomy! TRUST JESUS and stop trusting in old-man Adam.
I wouldn't "worry" about the astronomy matching anyhow beyond what we can see with our eyes, and these unusual "shifts" because the bible says that there were "giants in the earth" and the pattern of the heavens reflected his GLORY even while Noah was on the ark..... Furthermore, the age of the Patriarchs was much greater than it is today...and they didn't even live past 1000 years! so don't be too concerned about the 26,000 year issue. See below on how things change "mathematically" and can be adjusted to the Qumran Calendar anyhow, despite these issues.
Have a good day! into infinity and beyond!
Mathematically. The axial precision can be divided by 7! Yes, a multiple of seven. ..... well more like 7 and 1/3
7 and 1/3 fits into 26,000 years by 3545.5 years.
That is every span of 3535.5 years...... 12 Calendric Cycles of 294 years have passed!
So try test this the other direction (as it won't hit exactly 26,000 but it will get close to the mark
12 * 294 = 3528 (perhaps each constellation (12 choices) gets two full-moon start per Abib?? Once below the feet of Virgo and once at the waist of Virgo....)
3528* 7.333333 = 25,872 (pretty close).....
But there are a few years missing. Only 2 to 3 Jubilee cycles missing! So not too far off track!
Here is a sample of when and where to "spot" the ABIB full moon and where to FIND it in approximate Astronomical Position among the constellations (subject to "change" according to the Calendrical cycle and other factors). Notice how it returns back to the original "below virgo feet" after about 26,000 years!:
Before Christ:
31 (2109 years) --> fits into calendric signs and metonic cycles
23 year difference
-2078 (Abraham - Ishmael) Scorpio-Libra
-4187 (Garden of Eden) Ophiucus
-6296 (Before Time) Sagitaurus
"God Spoke to Me"......
What does this mean?
There have been religious people in the past who had a "special revelation" from the Holy Spirit.
Now one particular example is a common lady named "Ellen G. White." I have read some of her writings and they are very HOLY in nature, compared to modern-secular woman writers. I do know that she had an event in her life as a child where she knocked unconscious.....but this did not stop her from writing....... A LOT.
There is a "change" and "difference" in her writing compared to other common man of the day in which she was alive.
She did not have access to a Qumran Calendar because the dead sea scrolls were not unveiled at the time of her writing and speaking about things of God.
Her EXAMPLE sets as a good example for other women on how to properly address the scripture as a whole, even though she did not have access to the things we have today.
Other people have had God speak to them. People who were formerly Muslim, came out of the religious system of deception and came to the truth after God "spoke to them in a dream."
Atheists have come away from atheist beliefs because "God spoke to me."
I'm not sure if other reformers have had "God speak to them".....but it is possible.
In the anabaptist faith there are some groups of people who believe that to determine if a "marriage" is to take place "God spoke to me".....must first happen for the man and then later for the woman.
There is a difference between God actually revealing himself to man and a man hearing voices.
There is a difference between a Godly man having "God spoke to me" and a hyper-active crazed financial gain "God spoke to me" types of people. There is a difference between a Godly man having "God spoke to me" and a person who "hear's voices." God speaking to people does NOT cause a person to stumble and create strange imaginative things......God causes people to restore order to nature and other bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
Read the story of Samuel. God himself speaks to children from time to time. So we ourselves must become as little children if we wish to "hear God appropriately." Read the story and consider that little boy Samuel was sitting in the holy of holy, the lamp was there and everything in the tabernacle. the "God spoke to me" happened to Samuel.
Yes, I have had a few revelations here and there. I don't consider myself automatically "sinless" because of this. I don't consider my self extra special or "Holier" than other people because of this. I will not make "money" because of a special revelation.
In fact, I have had a dream of a person who "passed away" and was born-again before she passed away. She was a great friend to many.
There have been religious people in the past who had a "special revelation" from the Holy Spirit.
Now one particular example is a common lady named "Ellen G. White." I have read some of her writings and they are very HOLY in nature, compared to modern-secular woman writers. I do know that she had an event in her life as a child where she knocked unconscious.....but this did not stop her from writing....... A LOT.
There is a "change" and "difference" in her writing compared to other common man of the day in which she was alive.
She did not have access to a Qumran Calendar because the dead sea scrolls were not unveiled at the time of her writing and speaking about things of God.
Her EXAMPLE sets as a good example for other women on how to properly address the scripture as a whole, even though she did not have access to the things we have today.
Other people have had God speak to them. People who were formerly Muslim, came out of the religious system of deception and came to the truth after God "spoke to them in a dream."
Atheists have come away from atheist beliefs because "God spoke to me."
I'm not sure if other reformers have had "God speak to them".....but it is possible.
In the anabaptist faith there are some groups of people who believe that to determine if a "marriage" is to take place "God spoke to me".....must first happen for the man and then later for the woman.
There is a difference between God actually revealing himself to man and a man hearing voices.
There is a difference between a Godly man having "God spoke to me" and a hyper-active crazed financial gain "God spoke to me" types of people. There is a difference between a Godly man having "God spoke to me" and a person who "hear's voices." God speaking to people does NOT cause a person to stumble and create strange imaginative things......God causes people to restore order to nature and other bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
Read the story of Samuel. God himself speaks to children from time to time. So we ourselves must become as little children if we wish to "hear God appropriately." Read the story and consider that little boy Samuel was sitting in the holy of holy, the lamp was there and everything in the tabernacle. the "God spoke to me" happened to Samuel.
Yes, I have had a few revelations here and there. I don't consider myself automatically "sinless" because of this. I don't consider my self extra special or "Holier" than other people because of this. I will not make "money" because of a special revelation.
In fact, I have had a dream of a person who "passed away" and was born-again before she passed away. She was a great friend to many.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
What types of books would help me teach basics of Christian Faith to children?
If you don't have very much knowledge or skill in teaching your children the bible, or you don't have a lot of "time" to organize truth and error for them, relax, there are books and resources out there that can help you succeed in teaching these things that you believe to your children.
Here are a couple of books I recommend:
Have You Considered: Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Leading Little One's to God
In the morning, try setting up a bible study schedule which will enhance "meditation" on the bible, so that reflection is made towards behaviours that are good or bad. Try reading Psalms and Proverbs to start the day. This can be a good devotional, if you don't have a devotion planed out.
Through out the day, do your regular studies.
In the evening before bed, read from the books listed or any other resource that helps to explain truths to the children.
Eliminate unneccesary pop-entertainment, like things from Disney or other folly resources. If the child still would like some entertainment from those types of resources, just make sure it is classic stories as these seem to be more imaginative and less folly incorporated into the story.
Here are a couple of books I recommend:
Have You Considered: Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Leading Little One's to God
In the morning, try setting up a bible study schedule which will enhance "meditation" on the bible, so that reflection is made towards behaviours that are good or bad. Try reading Psalms and Proverbs to start the day. This can be a good devotional, if you don't have a devotion planed out.
Through out the day, do your regular studies.
In the evening before bed, read from the books listed or any other resource that helps to explain truths to the children.
Eliminate unneccesary pop-entertainment, like things from Disney or other folly resources. If the child still would like some entertainment from those types of resources, just make sure it is classic stories as these seem to be more imaginative and less folly incorporated into the story.
library and books,
things frugal,
toys and children
How to create a FREE Qumran Calendar from a Gregorian
Do you ever find your self confused about the "bible feasts" in the bible or confused about different "times and events" in the bible in what they mean? Like "Tammuz" or "Feast of Tabernacles." Perhaps this could help your understanding.
The bible says one thing and religious practices often say another, especially when it comes to "time" of events. The bible is meant to lead a person to eternity! But the only real way to understand eternity that the bible describes is through "heavenly signs." Jesus was on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour! The bible mentions that Jesus is the "morning star".....what could all of these things mean?? ****ancient time was calculated by the sundial's shadow and night events were divided by "night watches"****
To get a general understanding of the Qumran Calendar and how it works, study websites like THIS website and other resources. Once you understand the "pattern" (if you can't understand the pattern very well ask a beloved mathematical friend.....), it becomes easier to understand the overall big picture of the bible calendar and how it fits into the bible events. However, do not "ignore" the simple stories that never mention a "time" or an "astronomy event," simply consider the meaning and importance.....because the ENTIRE bible is "bread of life."
1. First of all Click on the following link and study the "patterns" in the Qumran Calendar.
2. Assume that the Qumran Calendar, if it was used in the time of Jesus, was used in such a way that the first full moon of the first calendar cycle was found below the feet of "bet hula" or Virgo.
3. To find out the possible "day" to use in your calendar, consider converting the Qumran calendar into the time of Jesus by "metonic cycle". Assuming that metonic-cycle gives us the BEST accuracy, this chart is developed to help understand the proper location of the moon and "time" of the first full moon of the year per calendric sign. Use this chart to determine the "first day of the year" for calendar cycle 1, 2 or 3. This article, from a different resource that does NOT use the Qumran Calendar specifically but references it or consider a weekly 7 day pattern, but believes in taking note of the First Full Moon from spring of A.D. 31 to mark "time" for Jesus presence, gives the reason and methods for knowing how to find the proper "time" of Full-Moon each month. Note: the Earth MOVES through space in such a way that the constellations appear to "shift" every 1000 years or so. The stars will shift a full "moon station" every 2000 years....or about 7 completions of Calendric Signs Table.
4. Once you have step 3 "solved" and can determine what Calendar cycle you need (1,2 or 3), (sorry there is no magical computer program....only a general understanding of astronomy to guide you), go back to the link on step 1 and click the proper calendar cycle "image." "Right Click" the image and select to copy the image. Copy it to a new paintbrush file.
5. Open up a new MS word file. Go to the paintbrush file and "cut out" one calendar image at a time from the paintbrush image. Like this:
The bible says one thing and religious practices often say another, especially when it comes to "time" of events. The bible is meant to lead a person to eternity! But the only real way to understand eternity that the bible describes is through "heavenly signs." Jesus was on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour! The bible mentions that Jesus is the "morning star".....what could all of these things mean?? ****ancient time was calculated by the sundial's shadow and night events were divided by "night watches"****
To get a general understanding of the Qumran Calendar and how it works, study websites like THIS website and other resources. Once you understand the "pattern" (if you can't understand the pattern very well ask a beloved mathematical friend.....), it becomes easier to understand the overall big picture of the bible calendar and how it fits into the bible events. However, do not "ignore" the simple stories that never mention a "time" or an "astronomy event," simply consider the meaning and importance.....because the ENTIRE bible is "bread of life."
1. First of all Click on the following link and study the "patterns" in the Qumran Calendar.
2. Assume that the Qumran Calendar, if it was used in the time of Jesus, was used in such a way that the first full moon of the first calendar cycle was found below the feet of "bet hula" or Virgo.
3. To find out the possible "day" to use in your calendar, consider converting the Qumran calendar into the time of Jesus by "metonic cycle". Assuming that metonic-cycle gives us the BEST accuracy, this chart is developed to help understand the proper location of the moon and "time" of the first full moon of the year per calendric sign. Use this chart to determine the "first day of the year" for calendar cycle 1, 2 or 3. This article, from a different resource that does NOT use the Qumran Calendar specifically but references it or consider a weekly 7 day pattern, but believes in taking note of the First Full Moon from spring of A.D. 31 to mark "time" for Jesus presence, gives the reason and methods for knowing how to find the proper "time" of Full-Moon each month. Note: the Earth MOVES through space in such a way that the constellations appear to "shift" every 1000 years or so. The stars will shift a full "moon station" every 2000 years....or about 7 completions of Calendric Signs Table.
4. Once you have step 3 "solved" and can determine what Calendar cycle you need (1,2 or 3), (sorry there is no magical computer program....only a general understanding of astronomy to guide you), go back to the link on step 1 and click the proper calendar cycle "image." "Right Click" the image and select to copy the image. Copy it to a new paintbrush file.
5. Open up a new MS word file. Go to the paintbrush file and "cut out" one calendar image at a time from the paintbrush image. Like this:
Paste each individual "month" onto a separate page in MS Word.
6. After all the calendar images are pasted into MS WORD, "right click" and copy each image at a time and paste into a NEW paintbrush file. ADD in any details to the calendar that you would like. Write in holiday information and other key details that are important such as sunset times, time for "modern Jewish" holidays, special days, location of the moon according to location among constellations, special farmer's almanac information, planet locations and so forth. Use Stelarium or other astronomy or almanac information as need. Copy the image from the new paintbrush image and REPLACE the image that was in MS WORD.
7. Complete the editing for all 12 months. Add in the bible references to the bottom of each page. like these details: Abib -1 : Month mentioned (Num 9:1, Num 20:1, 1 Chr 12:15, 1 Chr 27:2, 1 Chr 27:3, 2 Chr 29:3, Joel 2:23) Day mentioned *1: Ezr 10:17, Ez 29:17, Ez 45:18, Gen 8:13, Ex 40:2, Ex 40:17, 2 Chr 29:17, Ezr 7:9 – *7: Ez 30:20 - *10: Josh 4:19 - *12: Ezr 8:31 - *13: Esth 3:92 - *14: Ex 12:18, Lev 23:5, Num 9:5, Num 28:16, 2 Chr 35:1, Ez 45:21 - *15: Num 33:3, 2 Chr 29:17, Ex 12:18, 2 Chr 29:17 - *16: 2 Chr 29:17 - *21: Ex 12:18 - *24: Dan 10:4.
Adjust the margins to "very narrow" margins. Flip the pages to landscape if needed. Adjust the "Size" of the image as needed and so forth.
8. Print the calendar pages. Glue or staple these pages into a regular calendar! Overlay the original "Gregorian Days" with the *calendar page* you created. You may glue the month that is appropriate for the "moon rise time/location" (so a snowy picture doesn't look like it goes with the month of Abib, when it should go with the month of April).
9. Hang on your wall and create a conversation starter when guests come to your home ;)
Here are the proposed "days" and "moon rise time/location" for the Gregorian calendar year 2018....
Qumran Calendar Year 6020??or 6017?? similar to modern messianic calendar or creator's Calendar
Hebrew Calendar Year 6021 or 6018
Qumran Calendar Rotation number (Calendric sign) - 224 (calendar cycle 2) with seventh year leap year.
3-31 - FM 2018
*** Proposed LEAP YEAR 4(8-14)- 2018***
1. Virgo Feet 4-30-18 (the calendar cannot begin unless the Full moon is below Virgo feet)
Scor 5-29-18
Sag 6-28-18
Cap 7-27-18
Aqu 8-26-18
pis 9-24-18
pis air 10-24-18
Taur 11-22
Gem 12-22
Gem Can 1-20
Leo 2-19
Virg 3-20
Because the position of the moon changes in respect to the constellations, it would be suggested to change the "location" for the beginning of the year (Abib) to move ahead one step every 2058 years or every 7 (294 calendric sign years). Seven is a common biblical number.
First full moon after spring equinox that is below virgo feet....location
31 :3-27 - virgo
325: 4-14 - virgo
619 :5-3 - Libra
913 :4-23 - Libra Scorp
1207: 5-13 - Scorp
1501: 5-2 - Libra
1795 5-3 - virgo Feet *****notice how the full moon is a full month plus seven days difference from original location*****
2089..... propose to switch to adjust to Barley harvest? (3-27) moon moves to thigh of Virgo? because the next moon does NOT go below Virgo feet on (4-13)
So in the year 2089.....assume that the beginning of the year and calendric signs does NOT begin with the full moon below the Virgo feet, but when the full moon is at the Virgo step(or moon station) back....Many of us reading this blog post will be Centenarian by that time ;)
In the year 4147 change to...virgo shoulder...(then continue pattern for every 2058 years) .....virgo hand.....leo....regulus....cancer-leo.....cancer...... and so forth (well humanly speaking we won't be here on this earth at that time.....)
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Should you pursue that relationship?
When a person is a true, repentant and born again believer, the view of "this world" is not the same as the way a "natural man" views this world.
If a man or woman would like to pursue a further relationship that could possibly lead to marriage, it is VERY important to make sure he or she is aware of the VALUE of God's laws and ways.
If the possible future spouse seems to be a little off the track, in their understanding of the approach to God's laws whether it is the more conservative laws or the more liberal serving of the poor types of laws, then it may not be a "good idea" to go further in the relationship to the point of pursuing an actual marriage. Even a little "hint" of rejection of the way Jesus addressed Capernea could spell disaster in the future of a marriage.....or at least a very serious spiritual battle at hand. (an in-law of mine is currently dealing with the trials of this type of issue in marriage)
So, make SURE that the person who identifies themselves as Christian and is seeking a relationship is sincerely certain to SUPPORT the giving of God's laws to Israel people or they could be opposed to the words of Christ in some way or another.
Even the words in the law "be fruitful and multiply" can have an impact on the ensure that everything in God's laws are in agreement before pursuing the marriage, and the marriage is likely to succeed under the Grace of our savior......
Passover Week Astronomy
To get an understanding of the Passover Week Click these links: First Fruits, When did Jesus Rise from Grave?
Morning of Passover. Near planet Mercury. (image above)
Evening of Passover
Night after put on Cross (First Night in Grave). Passed by planet Jupiter (King Planet with scar on side)
Second Night in Grave (passes by Pleiades)
Third night in grave.
Notice how all three nights Jesus was in the grave, the moon was located
in the constellation Taurus.
The DAYSTAR arose!
Notice how the moon is NEXT to the planet Venus (morning star) and Mars (red planet blood sacrifice). He did NOT stay in the grave on the fourth
night…….. However, if one uses the
Qumran calendar method of timing this was evening of the Sabbath Day….so
perhaps he rested before being seen by others….
Mar_16:9 Now when Jesus
was risen early the first day of the week, he
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out
of whom he had cast seven devils.
Morning of the first day of the week. Two angels appeared to Mary…..
Joh_20:12 And seeth two angels in white
sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of
Jesus had lain.
Evening after the first day of the week. Evening of the second day of the week. Eternal promise (Saturn = everlasting
covenant ringed planet) revealed to the people
Counting forward……on to the feast of weeks…..
Now one could look into details even more and study EACH of the stars in these particular constellations.....maybe
The GREAT SPIRIT arose(gichimanidoo)..... according to Ojibwe astronomy......
Three nights and three days in the grave and then supernatural occurrence of spirit anointing the "head" of Wintermaker..... (it will depend upon how a person studies the spirit). In other words, the timing of the "moon" in the sky as well as the "woman's star" matters for spiritual matters.
Patterns of the "morning star".....and Mercury too
Rev_2:28 And I will give him the morning star.
Rev_22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
2Pe_1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Gen_47:28 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years. (147 is divisible by seven 21 times......92 Venus Cycles) 
Do what you would like with this information. Try dividing the age of the patriarchs in Genesis by "seven" and coming up with various years and times and events. But it is apparent that every 224 years (140 Venus cycles) there is a pattern in the location of Venus, dependent on the location of the sun among the constellations. When Venus is on the R it is a morning star. When Venus is on the L is an evening star.
image from
The timing of the "coming of messiah" the first time was based on "morning star" events.....
3.5 years Jesus ministry = 2 3/16 Venus Cycles exactly. What does this mean? The planet Venus is found in the same location in the sky per cycle.
That is, every 8 years, 5 Venus cycles are completed. "Test" this on the planet Venus return to the same location every 8 years.....give or take a few centimeters.
Astronomy Events that can be the bible
Astronomy events that can be calculated by Qumran calendar method so long as date of Jesus' birth is known:
1. Announcement of conception of John the Baptist. Appropriate month can be calculated.
2. Visitation of Gabriel to Mary. Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) is a possible time of visitation.
3. Approximate birth of John the Baptist (six months prior to Mary).
4. Date of Jesus birth, assuming the full moon that month was below constellation Aires and morning star was visible. (see link to "month")
5. Time the star the wise men saw appeared in the sky. (see link to "month")
6. Jesus going up to Jerusalem with his parents in the feast of Passover at Twelve years of age. (Follow number of moons since birth for 12 years, to the spring feasts)
7. Beginning of ministry. Assuming Jesus was on cross in AD. 31 and ministry began in fall. Ministry was 3.5 years.
8. Various astronomy events during the ministry of Jesus. Chronological events which list the feasts.
9. Jesus death, burial and resurrection. First Fruits and Feast of Unleavened Bread
Further more complex events, in Old and New Testament may be calculated by "Venus Cycles"....
The planet Venus goes through a 585(4) day pattern between morning and evening star.

As a result every 8 years a total of 5 Venus cycles are completed.
When one observes the pattern of Jubilee, every 50 years, a total of 6.25 Venus-solar cycles are completed or a total of 31.25 Venus Cycles.
Every 200 years, 25 Venus-Solar cycles are completed or 125 Venus Cycles.
More information may be found here:
If calculate the Qumran Calendar days per cycle, the result is 8.025 "Qumran Calendar years" every 5 Venus cycles. With a leap year added....8.019 is the result.
28 years fits into the Qumran Calendar and adjusts to the Solar Calendar with the same number of days (10220+ 7). There are 3.5 (5 Venus cycles) every 28 years. There are exactly 7 (5 Venus cycles) every 56 years! That is seven years more than 49 years.....where the 49 years marks the year of Jubilee! Now one can solve the patterns of the heavens! 56/7=8
So in other words, every 56 years there are 35 Venus cycles! 56 is divisible by seven!
Every 224 years (divisible by seven number), 140 Venus cycles are completed.
1. Announcement of conception of John the Baptist. Appropriate month can be calculated.
2. Visitation of Gabriel to Mary. Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) is a possible time of visitation.
3. Approximate birth of John the Baptist (six months prior to Mary).
4. Date of Jesus birth, assuming the full moon that month was below constellation Aires and morning star was visible. (see link to "month")
5. Time the star the wise men saw appeared in the sky. (see link to "month")
6. Jesus going up to Jerusalem with his parents in the feast of Passover at Twelve years of age. (Follow number of moons since birth for 12 years, to the spring feasts)
7. Beginning of ministry. Assuming Jesus was on cross in AD. 31 and ministry began in fall. Ministry was 3.5 years.
8. Various astronomy events during the ministry of Jesus. Chronological events which list the feasts.
9. Jesus death, burial and resurrection. First Fruits and Feast of Unleavened Bread
Further more complex events, in Old and New Testament may be calculated by "Venus Cycles"....
The planet Venus goes through a 585(4) day pattern between morning and evening star.
As a result every 8 years a total of 5 Venus cycles are completed.
When one observes the pattern of Jubilee, every 50 years, a total of 6.25 Venus-solar cycles are completed or a total of 31.25 Venus Cycles.
Every 200 years, 25 Venus-Solar cycles are completed or 125 Venus Cycles.
More information may be found here:
If calculate the Qumran Calendar days per cycle, the result is 8.025 "Qumran Calendar years" every 5 Venus cycles. With a leap year added....8.019 is the result.
28 years fits into the Qumran Calendar and adjusts to the Solar Calendar with the same number of days (10220+ 7). There are 3.5 (5 Venus cycles) every 28 years. There are exactly 7 (5 Venus cycles) every 56 years! That is seven years more than 49 years.....where the 49 years marks the year of Jubilee! Now one can solve the patterns of the heavens! 56/7=8
So in other words, every 56 years there are 35 Venus cycles! 56 is divisible by seven!
Every 224 years (divisible by seven number), 140 Venus cycles are completed.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Law and NT explanation - Prayer, Blessing, Love and Brotherhood
(Christians may do these things in a "spiritual" sense and changing the approach to dealing with justice, but reality is that these laws are for the land of Israel and the times before Christ explained proper Justice and Mercy.) CHRISTIAN DO meditate on these verses, OLD and NEW. Gain better ground at the righteousness in Judgement of the Lord.
Prayer and Blessings
- To pray to G-d (Ex. 23:25; Deut. 6:13) (according to the Talmud, the word "serve" in these verses refers to prayer) (CCA7). See Prayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
- To read the Shema in the morning and at night (Deut. 6:7) (CCA11). See Jewish Liturgy.
- To recite grace after meals (Deut. 8:10) (CCA13). See Birkat Ha-Mazon: Grace After Meals
- Not to lay down a stone for worship (Lev. 26:1) (CCN161).
Love and Brotherhood
- To love all human beings who are of the covenant (Lev. 19:18) (CCA60). SeeLove and Brotherhood.
- Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16) (CCN82). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17) (CCN48). See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
- Not to carry tales (Lev. 19:16) (CCN77). See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
- Not to cherish hatred in one's heart (Lev. 19:17) (CCN78). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18) (CCN80).
- Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18) (CCN81).
- Not to put any Jew to shame (Lev. 19:17) (CCN79).
- Not to curse any other Israelite (Lev. 19:14) (by implication: if you may not curse those who cannot hear, you certainly may not curse those who can) (CCN45).
- Not to give occasion to the simple-minded to stumble on the road (Lev. 19:14) (this includes doing anything that will cause another to sin) (CCN76).
- To rebuke the sinner (Lev. 19:17) (CCA72).
- To relieve a neighbor of his burden and help to unload his beast (Ex. 23:5) (CCA70). See Love and Brotherhood.
- To assist in replacing the load upon a neighbor's beast (Deut. 22:4) (CCA71). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to leave a beast, that has fallen down beneath its burden, unaided (Deut. 22:4) (CCN183). See Love and Brotherhood.
(Exo 23:25) And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.
(Deu 6:13) Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.
(Deu 6:7) And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
(Deu 8:10) When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.
(Lev 26:1) Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
(Lev 19:18) Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
(Lev 19:16) Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
(Lev 25:17) Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.
(Lev 19:17) Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
(Lev 19:14) Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD.
(Exo 23:5) If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him.
(Deu 22:4) Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
(Luk 2:37) And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
(Luk 5:33) And they said unto him, Why do the disciples of John fast often, and make prayers, and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees; but thine eat and drink?
(Luk 19:46) Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.
(Luk 22:45) And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,
(Phm 1:22) But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.
(Luk 24:53) And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.
(Gal 3:14) That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
(Joh 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(Joh 8:42) Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
(Joh 12:25) He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
(Joh 13:34) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
(Joh 14:15) If ye love me, keep my commandments.
(1Jn 2:5) But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
(1Jn 3:11) For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
(1Jn 3:18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
(Act 1:14) These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
(Act 11:12) And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house:
(Deu 6:13) Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.
(Deu 6:7) And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
(Deu 8:10) When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.
(Lev 26:1) Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
(Lev 19:18) Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
(Lev 19:16) Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
(Lev 25:17) Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.
(Lev 19:17) Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
(Lev 19:14) Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD.
(Exo 23:5) If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him.
(Deu 22:4) Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
(Luk 2:37) And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
(Luk 5:33) And they said unto him, Why do the disciples of John fast often, and make prayers, and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees; but thine eat and drink?
(Luk 19:46) Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.
(Luk 22:45) And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,
(Phm 1:22) But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.
(Luk 24:53) And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.
(Gal 3:14) That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
(Joh 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(Joh 8:42) Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
(Joh 12:25) He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
(Joh 13:34) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
(Joh 14:15) If ye love me, keep my commandments.
(1Jn 2:5) But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
(1Jn 3:11) For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
(1Jn 3:18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
(Act 1:14) These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
(Act 11:12) And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man's house:
Jesus is our morning Star?
What does this mean?
Why would he be called a morning star and not an evening star?
*Rev_2:28 And I will give him the morning star.
Rev_22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
2Pe_1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Why even refer to the "planet venus" as being a Morning Star at all?
Because the possibility for Jesus to have been born on the FEAST OF TABERNACLES is highly likely especially if one calculates his "birthday" using the Qumran calendar method of calculation. At this time the planet Jupiter aligns with the heart of the lion while Venus is visible in bet-hula(virgo). As a result, the "morning star" Venus is visible.
At the end of 12 days (moon is sliver at the time of his birth at beginning of FEAST OF TABERNACLES), the full moon is located in the constellation "Aires." The lamb of God is symbolized by "aires" the ram.
The morning star is ALWAYS seen in the Fall Months during the right years. So that is indication of the importance for Jesus to have been highlighted for being born in the fall.
Other articles about this topic: SCRIPTURE DECLARES FALL BIRTH, HEAVENLY SIGNS DURING JESUS BIRTH, WHEN WAS JESUS BORN? (note some of the articles may have differing arguments about the "day" of his birth, but a person may glean information from the articles anyhow) Further information from a Messianic perspective: Christmas truth 1, Christmas truth 2
Other Cultures on the other side of the planet would have recognized this "birth" also! Image is on the same "day" but is from Ojibwe culture astronomy.
A simple way to "convert" and keep track of patterns from ancient astronomy, is to "find" the timing of Jupiter when it "gives" birth or passes by the star "regulus." This happening occurs every 12 years, plus one extra year every 1000 years. The last time it passed by this point was 8-10-2015. The morning star was not visible during this particular year in the morning. Happy astronomy! (not astrology)

Why would he be called a morning star and not an evening star?
*Rev_2:28 And I will give him the morning star.
Rev_22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
2Pe_1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Why even refer to the "planet venus" as being a Morning Star at all?
Because the possibility for Jesus to have been born on the FEAST OF TABERNACLES is highly likely especially if one calculates his "birthday" using the Qumran calendar method of calculation. At this time the planet Jupiter aligns with the heart of the lion while Venus is visible in bet-hula(virgo). As a result, the "morning star" Venus is visible.
At the end of 12 days (moon is sliver at the time of his birth at beginning of FEAST OF TABERNACLES), the full moon is located in the constellation "Aires." The lamb of God is symbolized by "aires" the ram.
The morning star is ALWAYS seen in the Fall Months during the right years. So that is indication of the importance for Jesus to have been highlighted for being born in the fall.
Other articles about this topic: SCRIPTURE DECLARES FALL BIRTH, HEAVENLY SIGNS DURING JESUS BIRTH, WHEN WAS JESUS BORN? (note some of the articles may have differing arguments about the "day" of his birth, but a person may glean information from the articles anyhow) Further information from a Messianic perspective: Christmas truth 1, Christmas truth 2
Other Cultures on the other side of the planet would have recognized this "birth" also! Image is on the same "day" but is from Ojibwe culture astronomy.
A simple way to "convert" and keep track of patterns from ancient astronomy, is to "find" the timing of Jupiter when it "gives" birth or passes by the star "regulus." This happening occurs every 12 years, plus one extra year every 1000 years. The last time it passed by this point was 8-10-2015. The morning star was not visible during this particular year in the morning. Happy astronomy! (not astrology)
The video given....mentions the "daystar"....even though religious patterns through the ages don't always properly acknowledge this "daystar"....
Friday, November 24, 2017
Why do Christians follow the "Gregorian Calendar"?
There is NO indication that the Gregorian Calendar holds any "value" for timing of biblical events in the past or in the future, but as a recreation of ancient pagan practices.
Other types of calendar structure includes the "Lunar Calendar" structure, "Solar-Lunar Calendar" structure (Qumran calendar is based off of this and can be coordinated by 57 year metonic cycles) , "Venus Calendar" fits into the Qumran calendar by patterns of seven years or 56 year on and so forth.
It could be any of the following reasons:
*Third note: Before the gospel arrived in some areas of the world people were doing wicked things! Cannibalism and other gross sins. So just because Christianity was needed even if the missionaries only knew the Gregorian calendar, doesn't mean that the Christians were wrong unless they were false-Christians. (don't believe the lies that Christian missionaries always brought along rapists, some of the tribes were violent)
There is NO indication that the Gregorian Calendar holds any "value" for timing of biblical events in the past or in the future, but as a recreation of ancient pagan practices.
Other types of calendar structure includes the "Lunar Calendar" structure, "Solar-Lunar Calendar" structure (Qumran calendar is based off of this and can be coordinated by 57 year metonic cycles) , "Venus Calendar" fits into the Qumran calendar by patterns of seven years or 56 year on and so forth.
It could be any of the following reasons:
1. They don't know anything about the Qumran Calendar and how it works. or Astronomy/Calendar Studies
2. They were never influenced by middle east cultures or people which used lunar based calendars. There are also other calendars such as a "Venus Calendar"(morning star) and other ways to calculate times and days.
3. They are conditioned to "ignore" the Old Testament holidays, such as Purim.
4. They believe that it is impossible to determine when Jesus was born based on the scripture so they continue to believe in Dec. 25th as the best way to celebrate out of fear.
5. They don't like the idea that "heathen" cultures used different types of lunar or even planetary based calendar structures. (Falling Leaves Moon, Sugar Moon (maple sap) etc.)
6. They never learned how the Jewish people calculate the Passover month of the year based on the Barley harvest.
7. They assume that only the "shadow of the sun" matters when it comes to timing of the events in the church and life in general. Keeping up with the time....keeping up with the Jones'es
8. They have yet to understand how animals function in behavior ways based on the timing of the moon phases and the season change. (A whippoorwill for example)
9. They assume anti-s emetic things about the Jewish people and that they constantly want Babylonian traditions rather than the gospels, so why bother learning biblical calendar and cycles. Which this is not true, Jewish people do love their redeemer! And they can continue to understand biblical calendar cycles. (note: website does not site Qumran method of calculating heavenly signs)
10. They don't want to learn how the "new moon" conditions were changed by -MEN- while God maintains the same method of time and seasons in the sky. (note: website does not believe that the "Sabbath Day" is ok according to Qumran calculations)
11. They might not be true Christians in the first place. They never repented of anything! Traditions matter more than the truth to their lives.
*One thing that Christians MUST understand is that the Gregorian Calendar is NOT the creator's calendar. If that was true, then God would assume that it is important to worship the "sun" rather than understanding that God himself created sun, moon, stars, planets and other things in heaven and earth.
*Second note: A specific calendar does not save a person from sin. Ancestors in the past who were saved and did not have access to Qumran-based calculations could still have been saved.
*Third note: Before the gospel arrived in some areas of the world people were doing wicked things! Cannibalism and other gross sins. So just because Christianity was needed even if the missionaries only knew the Gregorian calendar, doesn't mean that the Christians were wrong unless they were false-Christians. (don't believe the lies that Christian missionaries always brought along rapists, some of the tribes were violent)
---Essentially there are 7 basic holidays that are significant and it is fairly easy to locate the biblical holidays listed directly in the bible:
*Find the full -moon every three years after the spring equinox. This determines timing for Passover, First Fruits, Feast of Unleavened Bread and 50 days later Pentecost/Feast of Weeks
*Find the full-moon every three years immediately before the fall equinox. This determines the timing for the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles.
*Other basic holidays may also be calculated from a certain number of days from these feasts when the days are determined. -Tish B' Av. -Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) -Purim and so forth.
You could find the creator's yearly calendar(based off of Qumran Calendar):
-Meet each sabbath. This is official and not offensive to any holiday structure before knowledge of Qumran Calendar.
-Recognize the Full moon of Abib as the beginning of the calendar-cycle every three years (1092 days). Assume AD 31. used calendar cycle 1.
You could find the creator's yearly calendar(based off of Qumran Calendar):
-Meet each sabbath. This is official and not offensive to any holiday structure before knowledge of Qumran Calendar.
-Recognize the Full moon of Abib as the beginning of the calendar-cycle every three years (1092 days). Assume AD 31. used calendar cycle 1.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
An Inspirational Video......but.....why is this video....
simple things make the work of what we thought was "nothing" into something wonderful ;)
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Liberated Christian? In favor of God's laws/Torah maters.
King David found a woman. Her name was Bathsheba. There was nothing wrong with David finding another woman to love even as the bible declares this issue. There was a problem with Bathsheba already being with another man, Uriah. Check the scripture yourself, but it says that Uriah only had a monogomous marriage. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but it does declare that no other women suffered because "poor man" Uriah was murdered by David, so that in and of itself indicates a monogomous marriage for Uriah. Jesus is mentioned to have been a descendant of "the wife of Uriah" her identity is given Matt 1. So much for the liberated Christian belief in "abortion"......goes along with swinging....they are anti-Christ when they support that.
Go to the story of Abe and Sarah before the giving of the "laws" in the bible. Abe was with multiple women and Sarah was sent to another man's house. There is nothing said that Abe and Sarah's relationship was "strained" because of these issues. Rather it was because of sin issues that arose by other means. One could say they had an "open marriage" of some sort. The Liberated Christian loves that reality. It is true the bible says that the marriage and relationship between this couple was not "strained" as many Christians believe that outside "forces" ALWAYS break apart marriage covenants.....which outside forces DO NOT break apart covenants.
In the next generation. Isaac married Rebecca. He was in a monogamous relationship as far as I know. The bible indicated he was only married and with Rebecca. No one else in his life. The bible itself declared that Isaac and Rebecca only had a "disagreement" with how to "love" their own children. They did not have issues within their relationship per say. The Liberated Christian HATES the idea that love CAN and does occur in monogomous one-man, one-woman marriages, even if there are issues in how to handle the children.
In the third generation. Jacob. He was married to more than one woman. In fact, the women were sisters. Laban kept "tricking" Jacob before he could get access to his wives the way he wanted to get access to his women. Does this mean that Laban was "wrong" and Jacob was always "right" about how to handle things? Perhaps not, it was a lesson on whom a person should trust. They should not trust in the concept of "marriage" in and of itself, but in the one who created the possibility of marriage in the first place. The Liberated Christian LOVES the idea of allowing a man to have more than one wife, but hates the reality that there are "consequences to man's sinful ways and trickery". Which happens in every generation. Even in polygyny marriages a man is accountable to the creator and redeemer! Even in polygny relationships there could be infidelity problems! There could be a "Naboth" who only cares about himself. There could be a Jezabel or Potiphar who wants more than what she needs. So don't be fooled by believing in "polygny" or "liberated Christian" beliefs if those beliefs do not include the WHOLE SCRIPTURE.
Rather, rely ONLY on the bible within the realm of discernible reasoning. What if David had confessed directly to Uriah that he wanted his ONLY wife for himself and prevented such horror? Could Uriah's life had been spared? Would Uriah (not of Hebrew laws and ways) have allowed Bathsheba to go to David in an honorable way?
All in all, there is nothing opposed even in the bible to the "single life," "monogomous life" or the "polygyny life" (a man who has children or sleeps with multiple women is polygynous already) or even a little "open marriage" as there are needs out side of long-term commitment that required kind heart people.....not the narcissistic clutter we deal with in our mechanical world which can be a result of much religious oppression, that is not based upon God's word, but is based upon sin-filled hearts not admitting the truth of our need for Christ (Jesus said that a woman who divorces her husband and marries another, commits adultery. That is that.). The Liberated Christian is ONLY liberated if they are IN Christ and respectable towards his word and his people. That is all.
In order to avoid the concept that it is now OKAY to live a sin filled sexual-free lifestyle because people recognized the religion errors and oppression of the people in our past, or perhaps even beneficial to return to the "free sex" polyamourous lifestyle of the tribal people before us, do consider this article. before approaching that issue and way of life, as it WON'T always lead to what you wanted it to be in the end! Acting and playing with fire does cause people to get burned and hurt. Trusting in JESUS is the only real truth whether single, married or poly life.
Note: the writer of this article has read and heard about the lives of people in ALL three of these types of relationship conditions. In all three conditions, single, monogomous marriage, and poly marriage there ARE going to be people who hurt others for no reason and there are going to be people who are KIND hearted and care about others in the relationship and out of the relationship. The relationship condition is not the "bad guy," the heart of the person and their being the good Samaritan under trial is what matters.
1Co_7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
Jas_1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
Jas_1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Go to the story of Abe and Sarah before the giving of the "laws" in the bible. Abe was with multiple women and Sarah was sent to another man's house. There is nothing said that Abe and Sarah's relationship was "strained" because of these issues. Rather it was because of sin issues that arose by other means. One could say they had an "open marriage" of some sort. The Liberated Christian loves that reality. It is true the bible says that the marriage and relationship between this couple was not "strained" as many Christians believe that outside "forces" ALWAYS break apart marriage covenants.....which outside forces DO NOT break apart covenants.
In the next generation. Isaac married Rebecca. He was in a monogamous relationship as far as I know. The bible indicated he was only married and with Rebecca. No one else in his life. The bible itself declared that Isaac and Rebecca only had a "disagreement" with how to "love" their own children. They did not have issues within their relationship per say. The Liberated Christian HATES the idea that love CAN and does occur in monogomous one-man, one-woman marriages, even if there are issues in how to handle the children.
In the third generation. Jacob. He was married to more than one woman. In fact, the women were sisters. Laban kept "tricking" Jacob before he could get access to his wives the way he wanted to get access to his women. Does this mean that Laban was "wrong" and Jacob was always "right" about how to handle things? Perhaps not, it was a lesson on whom a person should trust. They should not trust in the concept of "marriage" in and of itself, but in the one who created the possibility of marriage in the first place. The Liberated Christian LOVES the idea of allowing a man to have more than one wife, but hates the reality that there are "consequences to man's sinful ways and trickery". Which happens in every generation. Even in polygyny marriages a man is accountable to the creator and redeemer! Even in polygny relationships there could be infidelity problems! There could be a "Naboth" who only cares about himself. There could be a Jezabel or Potiphar who wants more than what she needs. So don't be fooled by believing in "polygny" or "liberated Christian" beliefs if those beliefs do not include the WHOLE SCRIPTURE.
Rather, rely ONLY on the bible within the realm of discernible reasoning. What if David had confessed directly to Uriah that he wanted his ONLY wife for himself and prevented such horror? Could Uriah's life had been spared? Would Uriah (not of Hebrew laws and ways) have allowed Bathsheba to go to David in an honorable way?
All in all, there is nothing opposed even in the bible to the "single life," "monogomous life" or the "polygyny life" (a man who has children or sleeps with multiple women is polygynous already) or even a little "open marriage" as there are needs out side of long-term commitment that required kind heart people.....not the narcissistic clutter we deal with in our mechanical world which can be a result of much religious oppression, that is not based upon God's word, but is based upon sin-filled hearts not admitting the truth of our need for Christ (Jesus said that a woman who divorces her husband and marries another, commits adultery. That is that.). The Liberated Christian is ONLY liberated if they are IN Christ and respectable towards his word and his people. That is all.
In order to avoid the concept that it is now OKAY to live a sin filled sexual-free lifestyle because people recognized the religion errors and oppression of the people in our past, or perhaps even beneficial to return to the "free sex" polyamourous lifestyle of the tribal people before us, do consider this article. before approaching that issue and way of life, as it WON'T always lead to what you wanted it to be in the end! Acting and playing with fire does cause people to get burned and hurt. Trusting in JESUS is the only real truth whether single, married or poly life.
Note: the writer of this article has read and heard about the lives of people in ALL three of these types of relationship conditions. In all three conditions, single, monogomous marriage, and poly marriage there ARE going to be people who hurt others for no reason and there are going to be people who are KIND hearted and care about others in the relationship and out of the relationship. The relationship condition is not the "bad guy," the heart of the person and their being the good Samaritan under trial is what matters.
1Co_7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
Jas_1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
Jas_1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Ways to build the church body through financial provision and prayer.....
Areas for financial assistance:
-education for youth age 8-12 (8th grade max). Specifically for bible based education which teaches basics.
-education for 13+ (scholarships for bible-based study)
-modest clothing apparel ( or sewing patterns), basic plain work clothing, warm clothing
-assistance for adoptions, orphans and widows
-allow "corners" for the poor. (housing, garden spaces, animal spaces....)
-social assistance for the poor (coffee shop time, relief from cleaning time, godly entertainment provision etc)
-family life assistance (maternity assistance for problematic cases, neonatal icu assistance)
-tenting locations
-garden and animal provision
-business beginnings (simple businesses with nothing, dresses, pie shop.....)
-volunteer provisions
-legal assistance(for persecution cases) as needed
-safety issues in homes and businesses (ramps, rails, doors for protection etc)
-replacement of lost, stolen, broken items that are necessary
-location of refuge for the person who repents, location of refuge for the persecuted
-pregnancy and child raising assistance for those who are raped or other emergency
-10% from "tithe" given to the elder/deacon/extemporaneous speaker and church workers if desired and for basic needs only. (THIS IS the problem of many churches, they give most of their money to a person who speaks from the word for less than 15 minutes and works very little the rest of the week among the people)
-basic library of books to help church maintain order, knowledge and other things
-heating in winter, cooling in summer
-transportation needs (within 30 miles drive)
-provision for healthcare coverage or emergency coverage
-interest free loans
*money may not be used for idolatry purposes or idol-like Christian purposes
*Money matters are listed first because many people "worship money" in the past and in our day and this needs to be addressed.
Areas for prayer assistance:
-Relationship issues
-Community matters
-Strength in faith
-According to the Word
-Resist Temptations and Addictions
-Seasonal and Celebration times
-Major life events
-Heavenly wisdom
-Kingdom to come
-Do his will
-Earth as in Heaven
-Daily provision
-Forgiveness for our wrongs
-Forgive others
-Deliverance from evil
-Anonymous names
-Filling of Spirit
How it works:
1. Each person fills in this paper by marking the most important place the "tithe/donations" should go and the most important thing to pray for and then places this in the slotted box. The option for listing a name is given if the person would like to fill in their name.
2. Money received is placed aside and placed into the proper container and envelope which held the greatest amount of need. If it is known who needed the money, this can be considered after fellowship gathering. If it is not known who needed the money and is for a special fund for later then that is considered in the accounting books. (Jesus' selected tax collector as disciple by the keep records)
3. When prayer is made (can be made by the leaders or other chosen men), the list with the marked topics is read. If there is a special name or other detail given, then say the name or other detail during the prayer. Kneel and say prayer is best method.
4. Further prayers are given which are based on the following themes: 1. Prayer based on the scriptures that are read 2. Prayer for the peace of Jerusalem 3. Family life abundance 4. Prayer based on the songs that are sung. 5. Any other issue. (face towards Jerusalem is a good idea)
-education for youth age 8-12 (8th grade max). Specifically for bible based education which teaches basics.
-education for 13+ (scholarships for bible-based study)
-modest clothing apparel ( or sewing patterns), basic plain work clothing, warm clothing
-assistance for adoptions, orphans and widows
-allow "corners" for the poor. (housing, garden spaces, animal spaces....)
-social assistance for the poor (coffee shop time, relief from cleaning time, godly entertainment provision etc)
-family life assistance (maternity assistance for problematic cases, neonatal icu assistance)
-tenting locations
-garden and animal provision
-business beginnings (simple businesses with nothing, dresses, pie shop.....)
-volunteer provisions
-legal assistance(for persecution cases) as needed
-safety issues in homes and businesses (ramps, rails, doors for protection etc)
-replacement of lost, stolen, broken items that are necessary
-location of refuge for the person who repents, location of refuge for the persecuted
-pregnancy and child raising assistance for those who are raped or other emergency
-10% from "tithe" given to the elder/deacon/extemporaneous speaker and church workers if desired and for basic needs only. (THIS IS the problem of many churches, they give most of their money to a person who speaks from the word for less than 15 minutes and works very little the rest of the week among the people)
-basic library of books to help church maintain order, knowledge and other things
-heating in winter, cooling in summer
-transportation needs (within 30 miles drive)
-provision for healthcare coverage or emergency coverage
-interest free loans
*money may not be used for idolatry purposes or idol-like Christian purposes
*Money matters are listed first because many people "worship money" in the past and in our day and this needs to be addressed.
Areas for prayer assistance:
-Relationship issues
-Community matters
-Strength in faith
-According to the Word
-Resist Temptations and Addictions
-Seasonal and Celebration times
-Major life events
-Heavenly wisdom
-Kingdom to come
-Do his will
-Earth as in Heaven
-Daily provision
-Forgiveness for our wrongs
-Forgive others
-Deliverance from evil
-Anonymous names
-Filling of Spirit
How it works:
1. Each person fills in this paper by marking the most important place the "tithe/donations" should go and the most important thing to pray for and then places this in the slotted box. The option for listing a name is given if the person would like to fill in their name.
2. Money received is placed aside and placed into the proper container and envelope which held the greatest amount of need. If it is known who needed the money, this can be considered after fellowship gathering. If it is not known who needed the money and is for a special fund for later then that is considered in the accounting books. (Jesus' selected tax collector as disciple by the keep records)
3. When prayer is made (can be made by the leaders or other chosen men), the list with the marked topics is read. If there is a special name or other detail given, then say the name or other detail during the prayer. Kneel and say prayer is best method.
4. Further prayers are given which are based on the following themes: 1. Prayer based on the scriptures that are read 2. Prayer for the peace of Jerusalem 3. Family life abundance 4. Prayer based on the songs that are sung. 5. Any other issue. (face towards Jerusalem is a good idea)
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