Over the past few days my ds has been having a light fever accompanied by runny nose. Of course the typical modern day remedy for fever is acetaminophen or ibuprofen. But there are also old fashioned remedies that actually help fight the infection rather than just alleviate the pain and temperature.
Here are a few common remedies found in the Amish country and old English remedies that use common substances from around the home:
1. Use chopped raw onions on the soles of the feet overnight for fevers. Wear tight socks to keep the onions in place. For babies and small children, a thin layer of cloth may be put in place between skin and onion to prevent blistering. Mrs. Eli Bontrager
2. To rid a child of fever, bathe them in strong warm vinegar water. Fannie J Stutzman
3. Rub vinegar on the forehead, temples, palms of your hands, and bottoms of your feet to get rid of fever. Repeat as needed every 20-25 minutes. Melvin & Inez Mullet
4. Put a wet vinegar rag on the breast, change off every time the rag feels warm will drive the fever out fast. It also works on the feet if fever isn't too high. Daniel A Hershberber
5. Goot: 3 T fresh chopped Garlic 3 T Olive Oil 3 T Coconut Oil
Chop garlic and add warmed olive oil and coconut oil into a blender. Once the mixture becomes milky, pour the mixture through a strainer. Put mixture into wide mouthed jar and let cool for an hour. This salve is a wonder drug and can be stored for several months. The longer it is stored the stronger it becomes. To help fight fevers, colds and infections rub the salve on soles of the feet, inner arm, temples, around the ears, forehead etc. Can be used as an antibacterial ointment for cuts and scrapes too.
Variations: Use 2 T Olive oil if Coconut oil is not available Add Tea Tree oil, Rosemary oil, and/or chopped onions to add to potency
On Saturday, March 21st, hubby and I tilled our garden. It was a beautiful 70 degree day and we simply couldn't resist. We plan to put in early crops that are tolerant of frost. As you can see, our garden is quite small. We plan to expand it to allow room for tomatoes and such.
Also take a look at how our transplants are coming along. They are growing quite nicely despite the obvious look that they are in need of nutrition and fresh air. I plan to start additional transplants to add to our collection.
1 cup dry oatmeal (ground in food blender) 1/2 cup quick barley (ground in food blender) 1/2 cup brown rice (ground in food blender) 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup plain malt o meal 1/2 cup rye flour 2 T flax seed (is considered a gentle laxative)
Mix all of the above ingredients into a covered container. Oatmeal, barley and rice should be ground to a consistency like rough flour. Shake the container. You may add other grains or subtract grains from the above recipe to your desire.
When all is shaken together, you may cook one serving size with 1/3 cup of the above mixture and one cup of water in a 2 quart pan. Multiply the number of servings to suit the number of hungry stomachs awaiting a delicious breakfast. Bring the mixture to a slow boil and stir for 3-5 minutes. When the cereal is thickened, remove from heat. You may add butter, salt, honey, syrup, your favorite jelly, cream or anything that tastes great on hot cereal. Enjoy!
This story is so real and I cried the entire time I read it. Without putting our faith and trust in the Lord, the medical establishment attempts to diminish the realities of life and the powerful effect it has on our emotions and well being. By squashing our emotions and acting as if they do not exist we become ill. Putting our trust in strangers is not real faith. Putting our trust in Christ who knows and loves us is real faith. It is so sad that women simply want to "get it over with" if there is a flaw in a pregnancy so they run to the nearest hospital, sign up for a D & C and attempt running away from the realities of God as the perfect creator. They don't even attempt to embrace the emotions or the realities of life.
Yes.....there are sad stories to home birth. Some sad stories are predictable. Others are not.
Life is so fragile and so precious.....let us embrace every part of it.
I'll try to keep this short. I'm not sure how many folks read my blog. Been having some slight bleeding lately. I went to the nurse-midwife today.....(I know tough self-medical care girl goes to another person for help) and they did some checks. I wanted to make sure that the pregnancy was not ectopic. Kinda hard without 200$ ultrasound. Checked my Hcg (which I could not do on my own) and it was quite low.....lower than it should be as it showed 6 weeks pregnancy rather than 8 week. I am hoping that things will clear up soon as this problem is really bothering me and making me worry about the condition of this pregnancy. I am still hoping God steps in and carries this baby to full term and healthy delivery. I know he has the power to do so.
By the way we did refuse an ultrasound (because I know they often want those scans for legal purposes and not always for medical purposes). I felt it was best as an ultrasound is invasive on privacy at this stage and I don't want the stress of knowing the baby does not have a heart beat right now. I'd rather just let nature take its course.
Further more, we have not told family, friends, co-workers or any other typical questioners and concerned folk about this pregnancy. We were planning to wait until at least 13 weeks and even until 20 weeks.
The only ones that know are those who read my blog, the nurse-midwife that attended me, the triage nurse and the midwife assistant....as far as I know.
If this does lead to a full miscarriage I plan on having it alone and not in a hospital environment.
Tear tear. God hears our silent tears.....
I am going to continue studying on home birth and keeping positive about this pregnancy coming to full term!
I have been researching on the methods of prenatal care that are performed in both the hospital/clinic setting and by experienced midwives. I recently checked out the book Heart and Hands: A midwife's guide to pregnancy and childbirth by Elizabeth Davis from our local library. The book contains very accurate information that is medically reliable when learning about the process of pregnancy and childbirth. I have also read some of my husband's nursing books and study guides about maternity and childbirth. I do find that a lot of information is left out of the books....for the practical reason that nurses generally are not involved and responsible for checking the actual condition in certain circumstances regarding prenatal, labor and postpartum care. Heart and Hands book really informs a person when actual emergency situations arise in pregnancy, labor and child well being where an actual doctor will be needed. Rather than implicitly implying that the doctor will know all and we cannot make judgments regarding health and circumstances.
Honestly, whether a women chooses to give birth in a hospital, birth center or at home, reading Heart and Hands will give the women more knowledge about the process of labor. I have found that many of the mainstream pregnancy books are written in format's for 8th graders and really leave out a lot of important information that a women in the labor room needs to know in order to protect her self and her child from mistreatment and harm.
When you are doing your own pregnancy cares, it is an excellent idea to pick up some basic medical sheets to help you know that you are checking all the necessary components in a healthy pregnancy and labor. This is good in case reference and contact with medical personel is neccesary. If there are terms in the charts you don't understand...pick up a simple midwife book and learn some good things ;)
Descent – measured according to relationship between level of presenting part and the ischial spines
Vaginal Muscle Awareness and control-try the elevator exercise
Take pill with vitamin C and vitamin B-complex plus more fruits veg. and whole grains. No more than 100 mg total in one day
Strive to maintain HCT of 34 or HGB of 11.5 throughout most of pregnancy
Mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin microcytotic, macrocytic megaloblastic. Highly recomended to resolve this as hemmorage and problems in birth occur with low oxygen blood levels.
Problems with weight gain
Threatened – whenever the mother has vaginal bleeding with cramping and backache. Usually bright red blood loss
Two cups blood is the maximum safe blood loss. If the miscarriage lasts for more than a day she is at risk for infection
Brownish bleeding for many weeks may indicate missed miscarriage
Disseminate intravascular coagulation ---leftovers after miscarriage occurred
Ectopic Pregnancy – Dangerous – Caused by BCP!! Contact Doctor immediately if this occurs as it can be life threatening!
Hydatidiform Mole – more common in pregnancies over 40 – can lead in invasive cancer Contact Doctor immediately if this occurs as it can be life threatening!
Bleeding late in pregnancy – ruptured cervical polyp,
Placenta previa – placenta implanted low in uterus
Never do a vag exam if there is bleeding late in pregnancy. Care should be done in hospital as can be lifethreatening.
Gestational Diabetes.
Readings of 160/100 may require medical intervention
Preclampsia – swelling, hypertension, swelling and excessive weight gain
Polyhyramnios/Hydramnios – excessive fluid in uterus. Shows high fundal height for gestational age. Can be found in multiples.
Oligohydramnios - little fluid in uterus. Results when fundal hight is low and fetus is cramped. Can be resolved with drinking more fluid.
Multiple Pregnancy – Fundal height greater than gestational age is typical with twins. Homebirth is still posspible.
Breech Presentation/Transverse-May be massaged to be rotated. Transverse presentation need to be in hospital care as can be lifethreatening
Small for gestational Age-
Large for gestational Age-
Postdatism- Pregnancy past 42 weeks. Up to 19 percent reach this point. Problem when amniotic fluid is low.
That is about what I have for now. I will add more later as needed. I hope to develop a basic chart that shows when an emergency arises that alternative health professional care is absolutely needed.
Remember, just as all elderly people do not choose nursing home care, home health care is always an option and studies show that home health patients live healthier and longer lives as they continue to maintain control of their own circumstances rather than giving their health-need circumstance over to others. The same can be said of home birth care..... In both cases.....education is the key to success ;)
Sorry about the formating.....there was an error in the HTML on this post. I may edit and place the outline in a different format to give the HTML a break.
In today's modern world we end up lost in a mass of chaotic routines and nonsense theories. Keep our eye's on the Lord and our hearts open to his instruction....let us breathe in the spirit.....let us live in the spirit....let us love in the spirit.....
We can dance but unless we are dancing in the spirit we have lost our eternal guide. We can perform but unless we are performing in the spirit we are leading others astray. We can speak but unless we are speaking from the spirit we are loosing control of our tongues. We can think but unless we are letting our minds over to the spirit in the Lord we are thinking incorrectly.
Thank-you Lord for dieing and rising again so that we can eternally live in the spirit for you and you alone Lord.
1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
1Th 5:19 Quench not the Spirit.
Php 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Eph 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
Gal 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
This Hymn is taken from Zion's Harp (Apostolic Christian Church of America) # 203
Oh, how joyful is the hour When we, Lord, draw nigh to Thee And the words of life and power from thy holy lips receive. May we not in vain assemble Round thy word, O Lord today; Into our hearts meek and humble write the word of Life, we pray!
At thy feet, O Lord we linger; Speak to us in accents clear! Let us hear thy word so tender Eagerly with godly fear. Teach us follow thy e3xample teach us to devote our time; This so short a time, though ample For eternity sublime.
Teach us to escape destruction Through the power of Thy grace, All offense, with Thy instruction to forsake and to efface. And according to thy pleasur Think and speak, endure and choose, Striving on ward toward that treasure, as we have no time to lose.
Open Lord our understanding, as to thy disciples there. May our hearts be e'er demanding wisdom's light with thee to share. Heavenly Light that oft has banished many dark and dreary spots; Light,O Lord, in us replenish; In Thy light we stumble not.
And Love's holy fire, we pray thee, Pour into each spotless heart, That in joy or in affliction Ne'er from thee we may depart. May we never feel encumbered with the cross that we must bear, Gladly leave in self-denial what thy kingdom cannot share.
Let Thy word bring light and gladness, strength and power to our heart; May it be the living motive causing each to do his part. Help to store in careful keeping what this day we may receive; Manifest thy healing power in all who thy word believe.
This is a wonderful hymn that shares how reading of God's word gives us strength and power in this ungodly world. Let us continue to reflect on God's word on this day of rest.
Here is my to-do list and the places I need to clean before gardening begins. This does not include typical weekly cleaning:
Kitchen: Dish cupboards (wash interior surfaces of cupboards and sort dishes in proper order) Under the sink Behind deep freezer Behind and on top of the refrigerator Pantry cupboard (remove out-dated food items) Canning jars (sort unused jars and food jars) Drawers (wash surfaces of utensil drawers) Linens (soak dingy wash clothes in non-chlorine bleach and/or bleach solution to remove stains) Replace tote-container with a more appealing storage for onions and potatoes Appliances (clean beneath and use tooth brush to remove dust in crevices of appliances)
Living Room: Wash the seat cushions of couch and chair Disentangle the cords behind the entertainment center Remove unused items from the top of the entertainment center Sort through the videos and donate unwatched videos
Office Space: Sort out drawers in my desk and husband's desk. Throw unused/non-usable items. Sort out printer stand. Throw unused/non-usable items. Sort mail basket (may take a few hours) Sort important papers file Sort office supplies tote drawer.
Bathroom: Typical weekly cleaning routine. Clean under sink and remove unused items
Linen closet: Sort extra supplies (toothpaste, lotions, shampoos etc) shelf. Remove out-dated items. Donate hair dryers, irons not planning to use.
DS Bed room: Sort through ds toy box and put stuffed animals in a separate "hammock" Remove toys not played with for a long time and put in a storage place for new baby or later Go though shoe/sock shelves and store small or unused items Go through dresser drawers and store small clothing Figure out a different way to "hide" laundry basket and diaper pail.....hmm Wash rocking chair cover and alter to hide dirty green color Remove and/or rearrange pictures on the wall to look more appealing
DS Closet: Sort Craft Dresser Sort Paper items and gift wrap so it is in a neater pile or container Fold ALL cloth in cloth totes so it is not wrinkled (put aside in shrink wash if it was purchased but not preshrunk) Organize yarn box by color
Our bedroom: Sort through my clothing drawers and remove clothing not worn for over 1 year and donate. Try to keep set number of t-shirts etc. Sort through lotions and potions drawer and donate or discard unused items Sort through head covering/hair care drawer. Remove unworn items and sort in an organized fashion Sort through Craft drawer and organize Clean area around night stand
Our bedroom closet: Go through my clothes and remove/donate clothing not worn in over one year and/or not planning to wear anytime soon Remove any shoes that are too tattered to wear in public and/or donate unworn shoes Refold fallen blankets or lumpy blankets. Place a freshener bar of soap in the midst of the blankets
I believe that should cover about everything. Of course there are other little corners of our small apartment that we were creative with storage that I will have to clean out....hopefully I will not forget to conquer those measly messes
I believe the temperature was in the 50s-60s today. Much of the snow was melting. My ds and I went for a walk to a small cheap nick-nack store full of items for one-dollar. I purchased a few sewing/craft supplies at the store and some bubbles for my ds. He also spent some time outside kicking a large ball around, catching bubbles and exploring like a typical toddler.
While shopping today I came across a great idea for extra cheap size one-two knitting needles. Simply use some bbq skewers! The bbq skewers I purchased were 1.15$ and I recieved over 100 pieces. That makes room for a whole lot of knitting projects! Typically 5 double pointed wooden size-one needles at our local knitting shop are at least 8 dollars! That is expensive....especially considering that the needles break easilly at such a small size. The bbq skewers are great because they already come with a pointed end. If you want double pointed needles for making socks simply whittle the opposite end down and make it pointed. If you want a flat tip on the non-pointed end, place a piece of duct tape, mini piece of round cardboard glued or other "sticky" piece for a flat end. And don't for get to have fun!
Today we see many different kinds of hair products available on the market. Vary few of the hair products are promoted by Godly manufacturers. In fact many of the hair products are advertised in magazines and on TV with the use of lust and Hollywood nonsense. Also some of the products actually do more damage to your hair than good because they contain so many strange chemicals that the average person cannot read.
To overcome these disturbing trends made by man we must turn to scripture! Yes scripture gives us advice and encouragement on how to keep our hair beautiful ;)
So since it is so obvious that God loves us down to the last drop....even to the last hair on our head, it is important that we value what God has created on our body.
Today I made some simple homemade shampoo. I plan to try other conditioners and hair lighteners and products as well from the recipes found here.
Today I made shampoo from a simple recipe which I altered slightly for different scents and potency.
Chamomile-lavender-tea tree shampoo: 6 Chamomile tea bags or 2 heaping tablespoons bulk chamomile herbs 4 T soap flakes (I used non scented) 1 1/2 T glycerin (found in the skin care/ aloe vera section at a local pharmacy) 1 1/2 c. boiled water 7 drops lavender essential oil 7 drops tea tree essential oil
Soak the chamomile tea in tea bags for 20 minutes. Add the soap flakes. When soap flakes are dissolved add the essential oils and glycerin. Pour the warm mixture into a 16 oz bottle and let sit in a cool place for some time. The mixture will become goopy like store bought shampoo given enough time. Use like regular shampoo.....
I plan to try a hot oil treatment soon as it is recommended to deep condition long hair at least once a month.
The Lavender Rosemary Hot Oil treatment is as follows: 1/2 c soybean oil 5 drops rosemary 5 drops lavender
Warm oil slightly. Cover hair. Wrap with plastic wrap or shower cap and warm towel for 20 minutes. Rinse, shampoo.